Circles ABOVE the eyes!


New member
I was looking at myself in the mirror this am & noticed something different. My eye lids, all the way up to my browe look like I have pinkish/brownish eye shadow on. Now I dont think its just a CF thing because my one sister has the same thing, but I just noticed it on me. I dont know if its allergy related or what.....yes I do have some dark circles under my eyes, but the lids are really weird. I would much rather have a nice shade of blue (tho that might indicate lack of O2) or green to highlight my eye color LOL! Anyone have this also?! With my luck its another fluky thing from my Moms side since my sis/I have different Dads.....


New member
I have those lovely brownish/reddish circles above and below my eyes as well.

I used to only get them below my eyes.... and they were attributed to my severe allergies (blood pooling).

The past year or so I've had them above my eyes now. I hate them and I wear a ton of make-up below and above my eyes so that they match the rest of my face.

No clue what it's from..... but I hate it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
I also have that.  I have had it since I was very young.
 I have always attributed it to my sinus problems but who
knows what the real reason is.


New member
I also have this and I also hate it...everyone always asks me you have eyshadow on? and I'm like NO! why doews everyone ask me that...I mean I have makeup on so why wouldn't you assume it was eyeshadow. I think they see something I don't or something.
I dopnt know what it is caused from but I have had it for a long time...and I don't have cf my niece does.


New member
I have noticed my eye lids are brownish in comparison to the rest of my skin they are a bit darker. It tends to match the eye shadows I wear so it doesn't bother me at all, its like make up when I don't wear make up.
The color of them doesn't match the circles I get under my eyes when I am tired at all - those under eye circles I get tend to be grey or blackish. I just write it off as how my skin is - the same as how I tend to have pinkish/reddish flushed look around my nose and cheeks when I do not have makeup on. Just a natural thing it has never bothered me much.

Lindsey - coltsfan715