New member
Actually, research has repeatedly borne out the fact that it is healthier for immune systems for a certain level of dirt, versus attempting to remain sanitary and sterile in your home environment. The dramatic incidence of allergies, asthma and allergic reactions seen in Western cultures are completely unheard of in most of the world. The prevailing thought is that the combination of trying to rid our homes of all the normal and healthy bacteria/flora/etc and trying to rid our bodies of the same via too many antibiotics has caused our immune systems to not be properly primed and thus a bored immune system will turn and attack the host.
For instance, in 3rd world countries, the nutritional paste used to keep children alive is made from peanuts, to the tune of less than $1/day. And, doctors using this paste to save the lives of children don't even consider the issue of peanut allergies. Peanut allergies simply don't EXIST in those circumstances.
In Holland, they put tubes in children's ears 1/3 as often as we do in the US. Its not that they have less incidence of ear infections. Rather, antibiotic use is exceptionally rare in Holland, since its known that ear infections are 80-95% viral and antibiotics do nothing for viral infections. The more you use antibiotics for common ear infections, the less they will work for those that really need it and the more likely you'll end up needing tubes in the ears instead.
The only place in my house where I allow the use of commercial cleaners is the bathroom. I only do this because the children who clean the bathrooms prefer the convenience of those products. I stick with mostly bleach based versus other chemicals and I require they clean with mask on themselves, the door shut and the exhaust fan on. The rest of the house is cleaned mostly with vinegar and baking soda. I do about once a month have the kids mop the hardwoods with diluted tea versus vinegar water as I feel it helps with the shine. And, since bringing M home, we change our air filter in the a/c very frequently to cut down on airborne irritants. But, its impossible to turn this house into a bubble, and I'm honestly not convinced that a bubble is what he needs.
For instance, in 3rd world countries, the nutritional paste used to keep children alive is made from peanuts, to the tune of less than $1/day. And, doctors using this paste to save the lives of children don't even consider the issue of peanut allergies. Peanut allergies simply don't EXIST in those circumstances.
In Holland, they put tubes in children's ears 1/3 as often as we do in the US. Its not that they have less incidence of ear infections. Rather, antibiotic use is exceptionally rare in Holland, since its known that ear infections are 80-95% viral and antibiotics do nothing for viral infections. The more you use antibiotics for common ear infections, the less they will work for those that really need it and the more likely you'll end up needing tubes in the ears instead.
The only place in my house where I allow the use of commercial cleaners is the bathroom. I only do this because the children who clean the bathrooms prefer the convenience of those products. I stick with mostly bleach based versus other chemicals and I require they clean with mask on themselves, the door shut and the exhaust fan on. The rest of the house is cleaned mostly with vinegar and baking soda. I do about once a month have the kids mop the hardwoods with diluted tea versus vinegar water as I feel it helps with the shine. And, since bringing M home, we change our air filter in the a/c very frequently to cut down on airborne irritants. But, its impossible to turn this house into a bubble, and I'm honestly not convinced that a bubble is what he needs.