Cleaning inhaler chamber


New member
Breanna uses her chamber 3-4 times a day with Albuterol & Flovent. I clean it with these cool little "Dentek" brand brushes made for cleaning between braces and such. They work great for the little areas you can't reach inside the top of the chamber. Then I soak the chamber in a hot vinegar/water solution for about an hour. You can purchase the Dentek brushes at RiteAid, WalGreen's, Target, CVS or WalMart. I also use them to clean the neb cups, I noticed some of the meds stick to the cups no matter what, but the brushes seem to help!

... The chamber I soak and brush clean every other day in vinegar then air dry, the neb cups I boil every night.



New member
Breanna uses her chamber 3-4 times a day with Albuterol & Flovent. I clean it with these cool little "Dentek" brand brushes made for cleaning between braces and such. They work great for the little areas you can't reach inside the top of the chamber. Then I soak the chamber in a hot vinegar/water solution for about an hour. You can purchase the Dentek brushes at RiteAid, WalGreen's, Target, CVS or WalMart. I also use them to clean the neb cups, I noticed some of the meds stick to the cups no matter what, but the brushes seem to help!

... The chamber I soak and brush clean every other day in vinegar then air dry, the neb cups I boil every night.



New member
Breanna uses her chamber 3-4 times a day with Albuterol & Flovent. I clean it with these cool little "Dentek" brand brushes made for cleaning between braces and such. They work great for the little areas you can't reach inside the top of the chamber. Then I soak the chamber in a hot vinegar/water solution for about an hour. You can purchase the Dentek brushes at RiteAid, WalGreen's, Target, CVS or WalMart. I also use them to clean the neb cups, I noticed some of the meds stick to the cups no matter what, but the brushes seem to help!

... The chamber I soak and brush clean every other day in vinegar then air dry, the neb cups I boil every night.



New member
Breanna uses her chamber 3-4 times a day with Albuterol & Flovent. I clean it with these cool little "Dentek" brand brushes made for cleaning between braces and such. They work great for the little areas you can't reach inside the top of the chamber. Then I soak the chamber in a hot vinegar/water solution for about an hour. You can purchase the Dentek brushes at RiteAid, WalGreen's, Target, CVS or WalMart. I also use them to clean the neb cups, I noticed some of the meds stick to the cups no matter what, but the brushes seem to help!

... The chamber I soak and brush clean every other day in vinegar then air dry, the neb cups I boil every night.



New member
Breanna uses her chamber 3-4 times a day with Albuterol & Flovent. I clean it with these cool little "Dentek" brand brushes made for cleaning between braces and such. They work great for the little areas you can't reach inside the top of the chamber. Then I soak the chamber in a hot vinegar/water solution for about an hour. You can purchase the Dentek brushes at RiteAid, WalGreen's, Target, CVS or WalMart. I also use them to clean the neb cups, I noticed some of the meds stick to the cups no matter what, but the brushes seem to help!
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<br />... The chamber I soak and brush clean every other day in vinegar then air dry, the neb cups I boil every night.
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<br />Gina


The RT told us to clean them at least once a week with soap and water.


The RT told us to clean them at least once a week with soap and water.


The RT told us to clean them at least once a week with soap and water.


The RT told us to clean them at least once a week with soap and water.


The RT told us to clean them at least once a week with soap and water.


New member
The chamber you use when doing an inhaler? My son's clinic says every day (we use it twice a day). That's what led me to post that thread about re-using alcohol. We can't boil it, so we soak it in alcohol and rinse with sterile water, every day.


New member
The chamber you use when doing an inhaler? My son's clinic says every day (we use it twice a day). That's what led me to post that thread about re-using alcohol. We can't boil it, so we soak it in alcohol and rinse with sterile water, every day.


New member
The chamber you use when doing an inhaler? My son's clinic says every day (we use it twice a day). That's what led me to post that thread about re-using alcohol. We can't boil it, so we soak it in alcohol and rinse with sterile water, every day.


New member
The chamber you use when doing an inhaler? My son's clinic says every day (we use it twice a day). That's what led me to post that thread about re-using alcohol. We can't boil it, so we soak it in alcohol and rinse with sterile water, every day.


New member
The chamber you use when doing an inhaler? My son's clinic says every day (we use it twice a day). That's what led me to post that thread about re-using alcohol. We can't boil it, so we soak it in alcohol and rinse with sterile water, every day.


New member
Ok...we are doing a lot more than that. Our nurse gave us a handout on how to clean all CF equipment. We wash it with soap and water after EVERY use then soak in bleach solution for 3 mins then rinse with boiled water and let air dry. Are we crazy for doing all this? It sure is time consuming.


New member
Ok...we are doing a lot more than that. Our nurse gave us a handout on how to clean all CF equipment. We wash it with soap and water after EVERY use then soak in bleach solution for 3 mins then rinse with boiled water and let air dry. Are we crazy for doing all this? It sure is time consuming.


New member
Ok...we are doing a lot more than that. Our nurse gave us a handout on how to clean all CF equipment. We wash it with soap and water after EVERY use then soak in bleach solution for 3 mins then rinse with boiled water and let air dry. Are we crazy for doing all this? It sure is time consuming.


New member
Ok...we are doing a lot more than that. Our nurse gave us a handout on how to clean all CF equipment. We wash it with soap and water after EVERY use then soak in bleach solution for 3 mins then rinse with boiled water and let air dry. Are we crazy for doing all this? It sure is time consuming.


New member
Ok...we are doing a lot more than that. Our nurse gave us a handout on how to clean all CF equipment. We wash it with soap and water after EVERY use then soak in bleach solution for 3 mins then rinse with boiled water and let air dry. Are we crazy for doing all this? It sure is time consuming.