Cleaning nebs


New member
I'm going to be living in a college dorm next year with no kitchen. I was wondering if anyone has been in a situation similar and had ideas on how to serilize nebs without access to a stove.


New member
I'm going to be living in a college dorm next year with no kitchen. I was wondering if anyone has been in a situation similar and had ideas on how to serilize nebs without access to a stove.


New member
I'm going to be living in a college dorm next year with no kitchen. I was wondering if anyone has been in a situation similar and had ideas on how to serilize nebs without access to a stove.


New member
Hi Gabrielle! i was asking my Doctors a similar question about sterilizing nebs, and they suggested buying a "baby sterilizer" (no it doesnt sterilize babies <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) it's about 90 or so dollars. if you google "sterilizer baby bottles" you'll find some useful links... wal mart sells them. hope that helps!!



New member
Hi Gabrielle! i was asking my Doctors a similar question about sterilizing nebs, and they suggested buying a "baby sterilizer" (no it doesnt sterilize babies <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) it's about 90 or so dollars. if you google "sterilizer baby bottles" you'll find some useful links... wal mart sells them. hope that helps!!



New member
Hi Gabrielle! i was asking my Doctors a similar question about sterilizing nebs, and they suggested buying a "baby sterilizer" (no it doesnt sterilize babies <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ) it's about 90 or so dollars. if you google "sterilizer baby bottles" you'll find some useful links... wal mart sells them. hope that helps!!
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<br />adios!


New member
We use a baby steralizer. It was only $35.

It's made by Avent. It weka really well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We use a baby steralizer. It was only $35.

It's made by Avent. It weka really well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We use a baby steralizer. It was only $35.
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<br />It's made by Avent. It weka really well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I use the Avent baby bottle sterilizer - just add water and plug it in. I picked the larger model (~$90) that could sterilize two neb cup set-ups at a time. I love it - so much easier and convenient.

Congratulations on you next step into your college years. My best unsolicited advice to CF college students as a previous grad, get lots of rest & have fun.


New member
I use the Avent baby bottle sterilizer - just add water and plug it in. I picked the larger model (~$90) that could sterilize two neb cup set-ups at a time. I love it - so much easier and convenient.

Congratulations on you next step into your college years. My best unsolicited advice to CF college students as a previous grad, get lots of rest & have fun.


New member
I use the Avent baby bottle sterilizer - just add water and plug it in. I picked the larger model (~$90) that could sterilize two neb cup set-ups at a time. I love it - so much easier and convenient.
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<br />Congratulations on you next step into your college years. My best unsolicited advice to CF college students as a previous grad, get lots of rest & have fun.


New member
I use our microwave to boil the water, in a glass pyrex bowl with glass lid. Takes about 15-20 minutes (includes the 10 minutes of boiling) depending on how much water you use.


New member
I use our microwave to boil the water, in a glass pyrex bowl with glass lid. Takes about 15-20 minutes (includes the 10 minutes of boiling) depending on how much water you use.


New member
I use our microwave to boil the water, in a glass pyrex bowl with glass lid. Takes about 15-20 minutes (includes the 10 minutes of boiling) depending on how much water you use.