Cleaning out the IV supply closet-


Digital opinion leader
I've been sorting and organizing the IV supply closet and boy do we have a lot of stuff! If anyone can use any of the following, I'd be happy to ship them. Everything has been in MY storage area (boys have not had any contact with them).
PM me!

-82 30ml syringe

-57 3 ml syringes

-3 ststat lock

- 6 14" mini ore extension sets

-13 1/4" steri strips

- 5 adult nasal cannulas

- 2 pedi nasal cannulas


Digital opinion leader
Also, I have two acapella devices ( unused and unopened of course). They were sent to us but we had no interest.


Super Moderator
I'd be interested in the acapellas for my daughter and husband (with bronchiectasis) if no one else takes them. But I don't want to hog the devices from someone else who is in a bigger need for them.