Clinic appointments


New member
Every time I call to schedule an appointment (just regular check up type visits) they never seem to have anything available for 5 or 6 weeks. If I'm having an issue that needs urgent attention I can get in earlier (I think they bump someone else) or I can go to the emergency room if its that bad. I was just curious if this is the case for a lot of people.


New member
If I call my clinic receptionist to get in for a problem I'm having - I'm told that I won't be able to get in for at least 2-3 weeks. If I call my nurse directly for something that's wrong with me, she will always squeeze me in either that day or the very next. But normally I go to clinic every 3 months, and at every visit I book for my next one right away so that I don't have to wait any longer then need be.


New member
I have learned not to wait until I need an appointment to make an
appointment. It's sort of like what they say about dehydration--if
you wait to drink some water until you feel thirsty, you're already
At the beginning of the year I get a stack of referrals from my
PCP, and then I make a series of appointments at the clinic. This
is tricky for me since I have cepacia and need to either have the
1st appointment of the day or the last one.<br>
If I run stuck I call the hospital and ask for the on-call CF
physician. That way, they can give a heads up to the ER that I'm
coming in and I can avoid a lot of the stress and rigamarole of the
whole ER experience.<br>
Good rule of thumb, make your next appointment before you leave
your current one. That way you're in the books.


New member
My regular check ups I schedule as I leave each visit. The timing of these depends on how I am doing. I was going weekly for awhile & let me tell you that was a pain in the butt. However; it was better than being in the hospital. I NEVER have a problem getting in. Depending on the problem & how I feel about clinic is awesome in gaging the severity according to me. I have been able to get in the same day & I live 3 hours away. Sometimes I wait a week, but never have I been told to go to the ER. Maybe that would happen if I had a problem & the regular doctors werent around & the covering doctor wasnt sure etc. That hasnt happened I am DID happen when I was pregnant. My hemoptysis started on a Sunday & I called & spoke with the on call. She pissed me off big time acting like it wasnt a big deal. It wouldnt have been to me if I wasnt pregnant. So I called the office itself the next day & got in that afternoon!


New member
I've never had a problem with making my appointments really. I ususally make my every three month when I'm at the office. But, lately I've been seen every 2 weeks, b/c I'm trying to get pregnant they want to watch PFTs more. There's also alot to discuss and sometimes she just gives me a half an hour to talk.

Sometimes in the doc offices its not the doctors that make the appointments so unavailable, it the secretaries. I worked at a doc office for several years, and if there is a busy day, the docs occasionally complain. So the receptionists book less and less patients to cover their own butts.

Very inconvenient for us!


New member
I have never had any problems getting appointments, although I do
have a bit of an advantage, I work for Kaiser Permanente and the
clinic is just on the other side of the campus I work at.  So
if I have a problem I just walk over at lunch or break.


New member
I schedule Cheyenne's next appointment before we leave the office. The dr wants to see her every 4 weeks, but it is usually 5-6 before we can get in. If she is sick in the middle of that time, and when isnt she?, we cant get in to see him. I call to make an appointment and they tell me she has one scheduled already and that is as fast as they can get her in. When the dr found out she was sick and I didnt bring her in, he jumped down my throat about not taking care of my child...bla bla bla and what are we going to do about me bringing her in when she is sick? I told him he needed to tell his staff when I call for an appointment they need to make one. He was not aware I had tried to get her in. Now, I still cant get her in but they do call in antibiotics and steroids for her. I think instead of doing that this time, I am taking her to the e.r. because shouldnt they (antibiotics) be eradicating everything she is culturing? Every time we are in they do a culture and every time she is growing the same thing. So I think they should be doing something different. Am I wrong? Sorry this has turned in to a vent, but I am currently on steroids too and they make me


New member
Liz, she has never been positive for pa. They said the other is "normal" stuff. She is getting sick again, and I am not sure what I should far as the dr is concerned. I think there should be some way to head this off. But they wont do anything until she is running a high fever or the drainage changes color. It is so frustrating.


New member
Well that's a different story all together. I thought you meant that she's cultured PA all the time. I would advocate and keep pushing for either inhaled TOBI or IVs. Preventing is key.