Clinical trial for liquid enzymes


New member
I was wondering if anyone was participating in the clinical trial for the new liquid enzyme.. i was curious how it works, tastes etc.. if anyone can help id appreciate it... thanks melissa


New member
I have not heard of the liquid enzymes, but would love to know more about them. Do you know where I could find out about the study?ThanksDebi mom of Cameron 8 weeks w/CF


New member
Hi, I don't meen to sound direct, but my child has CF, and has been swallowing her enzymes since the age of two months shy, of her second birthday. I know everyone is different, but if this helps.....NO was not an option. You take your enzymes period. She is four and half now, and maneuvers her enzymes around her food in her mouth three at a time, with no effort at all. Be agressive, when it is a necessity in his life. My daughter is amazing with anything she needs to do to keep herself healthy, and complains NEVER.........I feel sad some times when parents try to sugar coat when it's ' a matter of fact' and need to just deal with it. they are only gona make things harder for the child later on in life, not for the parents.take care


New member
What do you mean maneuvers them around her mouth with food? Does she swallow them with a drink or are they mixed in food?


New member
Hey guys, sorry about the confusion. My daughter started swallowing ECS 8's, three at a time, whole with no water just the full capsules. We were on the side walk at the Santa Claus parade just a mth or two before her second B-day. Anyway, I was mixing 7 of the ECS 8's in apple sauce in the dark and decided that night that she would learn to swallow them, instead of having to mix them in sauce all the time. In tHe next few days she was swallowing them one at a time at first, then two and three, next thing you know she would do it without juice, water nothing just like that. With the food, I meant, when it is half way through her meal and time for her second set of enzymes, she will take the enzymes without emptying her mouth of food first, she pushes the food to the side of her mouth with her tongue, shoves the enzymes in and swallows and then returns to chewing her food. She doesn't even second guess it. I feel the only reason she does it so well and other stuff such as her cat scans and throat swabs and blood work is because I don't give her the chance to say "no" or "I don't want to" because she has to deal with this for the rest of her life, I just tell her you have to and that's that. Her younger brother even helps get her enzymes when he shares his snack with her.


New member
Hello, i am the original poster that had the liquid enzyme question my son is almost 3 and has a hard time with the enzymes, he gags and pukes when he takes them.. we are going to a behavioral specialist that deals with sick kids to try to get some help, i was just really intrested if someone was in the trial... it sounds promising, i also heard that it was set to hit the market in 2005.. dunno, lol take care, melissa
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>Hello, i am the original poster that had the liquid enzyme question my son is almost 3 and has a hard time with the enzymes, he gags and pukes when he takes them.. we are going to a behavioral specialist that deals with sick kids to try to get some help, i was just really intrested if someone was in the trial... it sounds promising, i also heard that it was set to hit the market in 2005.. dunno, lol take care, melissa<hr></blockquote>When i was a lil boy my mum opened the capsules and put the granules on a spoon and i took them with a drink and it was easy