<br /> Thanks once again for taking time for your thoughts. You had some good insight concerning the nail bed vs. tip of nail. In addition to the tip being curved over, my daughter's nail bed also curves from there on out like an upside down spoon, so I still wonder. But I found your website link very helpful. Point well taken, though, that toes do come in all different funny shapes and sizes!!! I'm not a doctor and should not read too much into what I see. I should leave that to the experts...
<br /> Ricki- you would think a doctor would at least be willing to take a quick look??? Funny, huh? Best wishes to your daughter...she's adorable!
<br /> Eden and Kaylin, I really appreciated hearing from you! I often wonder how you are doing in limbo-land like me!!! Glad you can understand the insanity here!
<br /> Thanks once again for taking time for your thoughts. You had some good insight concerning the nail bed vs. tip of nail. In addition to the tip being curved over, my daughter's nail bed also curves from there on out like an upside down spoon, so I still wonder. But I found your website link very helpful. Point well taken, though, that toes do come in all different funny shapes and sizes!!! I'm not a doctor and should not read too much into what I see. I should leave that to the experts...
<br /> Ricki- you would think a doctor would at least be willing to take a quick look??? Funny, huh? Best wishes to your daughter...she's adorable!
<br /> Eden and Kaylin, I really appreciated hearing from you! I often wonder how you are doing in limbo-land like me!!! Glad you can understand the insanity here!