cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?


New member
I've also done coke - not heavily, just occasionally on nights out with my friends. I see it as I have CF but that is not going to stop me living life as I choose and trying new things - we are already going to have a shorter life I intend to live it to the full and have the best time!! I'm not saying that taking drugs will give you a good time - they don't always. As I said I used to do it and learned from it, now I don't anymore. I found that the next day my chest was awful and felt like a had a huge hangover. Also the main issue was my weight - if you take cocaine you will lose your appetite - absolutely awful for us CFers as you'll end up losing a hell of a lot of weight and then have to fight to get it back up again.

I think it is everyone's personal choice, CF or no CF

Take care x


New member
seems like we have a few who don't understand why people do drugs...People do drugs to get away, to forget...I know it is unhealthly and I haven't did them in 5 years, but when I did them my Cystic Fibrosis was the last thing on my mind. Being normal felt nice, sure there are reprocussions and I do not condone using them, but as previously stated the high was nice...pure energy and yes the SEX was erotic


New member
I drink occasionally when i go out and stuff.. and i am guilty of trying mushrooms once, but that's it. It was more out of curiosity, and i can honestly say, i don't understand people who want to be high all the time. I mean it's not like it was awful... but nothing to get "addicted" by, and I'll never do it again. I think everyone is tempted to do something sometime.. I mean.. I've never been tempted to smoke anything in my life.. and coke and other things like that.. well... it's not like i've never been offered.. but it's basically the same reason why even though you make a lot of money.. i couldn't be a stripper.. i just wouldn't feel right about myself.

Ashley 20 w/cf


New member
I have done drugs and when I did then I was doing them as "me" not as "a person with cystic fibrosis." I have a lot of freinds who are healthy and would never touch just depends on the type of person you are, how curious you are, how experimental you are, how interested you are in something like drugs. Its just different people. I dont think of myself as a different species, nor do i identify with CF as my life. It is a part of me, a characteristic. NOT an identity. However, there is only so much PC sh*t one can take on this board. Granted I dont want to be preached to either, but I can respect someone's opinion that people who try drugs are crazy. Everybody does thier own thing so who cares?

By the way, in relation to cocaine use...I often felt like it made my lungs "tight" the next day, but didnt notice any excess coughing. I smoked a few times in my life (weed) and that was what made me feel the worst. However, i dont have sinus problems so i dont know what coke would do to a person who did have some serious sinus issues.


New member
I am the one who originally started this thread and I just wanted to say thank you to all those who have shared their experiences. I've done coke a few times and was interested in how it affects others. I totally resent attitude of some of the more ignorant posters who tacitly and not so tacitly suggest that i am addict by virtue of the fact that i asked the question. Thanks again, this has been one of the more interesting threads on the board.


New member
Do whatever makes u happy and satisfied with yourself. At the end, there is one ending. So if drugs are the way to make us relieved then why not. I would do anything that makes me forget my existance and shut off my brain for a while. I'm sorry but that's my opinion...


New member
This may shock alot of people but recently i've been meeting a few other CFers who all openly choose to smoke pot and use other drugs. Personaly i say do what makes you happy so what if it "shortens you life" anyone could go at any second.


New member
if you have any sinus problems, try to stay away from railing anything.

partly because you'll need a lot more, and that gets expensive, but also because there are other ways to take it which are less bad for your body. Still just as bad for your brain...


New member
Let me start by saying I HAVE in the past tryed a few things that I shouldnt have from Cigarettes to Cocaine. (a little ashamed to admit I might add) BUT, Id like to point out that just because we have a lung disease and know it's bad for us, doesnt mean the temtation isn't there and that we are just as weak as anyone else when it comes to temtation sick or not. Some of you may think it's outragiouse that we would even think of using, but thats probably because you are stronger then others or didnt have the temptation and offers handed to you. My dad and brothers used to do the stuff right in front of me so of course I was going to try it (I never got hooked though THANK GOD) Some people try and do get hooked. Its all about the person and the circumstances though


New member
I look at it this way. I don't do drugs, I get sick. I do drugs, still get sick, but enjoy my nights out that much more <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It may sound silly, but a hit of E and I can dance all night without coughing, and like everyone else on this site. I cough a lot.


New member
I agree, I dont do drugs anymore, but there are some drugs that help with the process of forgetting your sick, and I say that if you wanna do them, do them, but dont let it take over your life and ruin it


New member
i am cf, coke will slowly take control of your mind and you dont even gonna realize what is happening to you, you will hurt people that you love, besides the use of any kind of drugs bring serious moral implications, to make my self clear, in Colombia 40000 people died past year, at least 25% of them where kids, any time you make a line you make worse the situacion, it doesn't matter if they fight against drugs over there.

Life of decent americans people are destroyd because drugs abuse, there is beauty in the world if you dont want a be a fool.



thanks for your judging! I no longer do any drugs and haven't for several years, but I get annoyed with holier than thou attitudes. Next time you post maybe identify yourself so I know whom to ridicule.



New member
Some people are to judgemental. If someone with poor health wants to hurt their body then that is their choice. Whose right is it to pick at them for that choice. Expirementing is some thing everbody does. People need to have the option to expience what ever they want. Sure drugs are a waste of time, money and brain cells. So I say if you do you do. I don't do drugs because many people in my life have gone down that road and gone off the deep end.


New member
i have done coke in the past and had a great time. i have actually tried quite a few diff. drugs in my 27 years. luckily i don't have an addictive personality so i can stop whenever i want.

here's my observation: it seems that there are just as many people addicted to "legal" drugs, ie prescription meds. look at all the commercials for the drugs and all of the possible side-effects they cause, quite a few seem to be in line with "illegal" drugs. so, what's the difference? the fact that a big drug company is behind it doesn't make it any better...our country is so over medicated, it is ridiculous!