Coconut Oil - No Enzymes Required!


New member
I have been giving DS coconut oil in his smoothies for about a year. I heard it was good for Crohn's and figured it would be good for his CF as well since it is high in fat. DS had his quarterly CF appt yesterday and the dietician asked me if I was giving DS any additional supplements since his BMI is over 50%. Told her about his smoothies with flaxseed and coconut oil. That's when she told me that the coconut oil doesn't require enzymes since it's a medium chained fatty acid. They are easily absorbed so it doesn't need enzymes to be broken down like the regular fat that we eat. I looked it up when we got home and found that it is also good for the immune system as well. Before I would limit the coconut oil because of the fat content since flaxseed is high in fat as well, but now it's not a concern. I love learning new things at the CF visits!


New member
We use coconut oil all the time. Rowan dips her banana in it. And if you blend it with fresh pineapple and refrigerate it , it makes a tropical pudding!! So yummy . Also you can mix it with salted butter to use as a spread.
On a side note , coconut oil is a natural wood cleaner, moisturizer and mosquito repellant.


New member
I love coconut oil too and use it in all my cooking, baking, smoothies and energy balls!
Coconut oil has numerous health properties and contains special 'lauric oils' (similar to those found in human breast milk) that can improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and help protect against bacterial & viral infections. Best of all it is easily digested without enzymes and converted straight into energy.
I read an excellent book on the topic written by Dr Bruce Fife (click link to view on Amazon).
Make sure that you choose the extra virgin (unprocessed) coconut oil, as the cheaper refined & processed oils have been chemically changed.


Frying white fish (tilapia, flounder, etc) in coconut oil is really delicious. I just add cracked pepper (salt is basically covered by the coconut oil), but you can experiment with additional flavors...lemon, basil.