It was very weird because I never have high blood pressure. The blood pressure went down as I got admitted and started on meds. I am getting cramps in my les now and a little worried because I am dismissed now from the hospital. Does CF and low potassium go hand and hand? I don't know if im noticing the leg cramps because I now know I have a potassium problem or because I have always had them. No blood tonight so far so I am happy. They sent me home on cipro and n picc line so that is good also.
Kim, I am not sure if low potassium is always related to CF. But I think running low on electrolytes may be related. To me it is very similar to us losing lots of salt in our sweat. Salt is one of the electrolytes our muscles need to function well. Magnesium and Potassium play a role in that as well. I discovered using salt for cramps kind of by accident many years ago. I was having severe cramping in feet and legs that often woke me up screaming in pain. My CF doctors and nutrition people offered no help at all. It seems that if they cannot prescribe an expensive drug, they are useless to help. I went to Whole Foods and asked their nutrition experts. Most of them said there could be several causes of cramping, but suggested that the most common were potassium and magnesium deficiencies.
I tried both and found some relief but not a lot. One day we were at a picnic. From the high heat and humidity, I was very run down and dehydrated by the evening. I actually felt tingling and twitching in my leg muscles. Needless to say, that night brought one of the severest nights of cramps I have ever experienced. For the next couple of days, I drank tons of gatorade and the cramping went away. So did the muscle tingling and twitching. Do you know what the main ingredient is in gatorade that helps relieve muscle fatigue: SALT.
Because gatorade also has other ingredients that I do not like, I decided to make my own concoction. I knew for years that adding lemon juice to your drinking water makes it more "electric". That is a good thing for muscle health, especial your heart which is a big muscle. If that one cramps,,,, well that is the definition of a heart attack.
I started mixing sea salt and lemon juice in my water. After drinking it, you need to rinse your mouth with plain water, because the lemon juice can erode the enamel of you teeth.
I drink at least 1/2 bottle to 1 bottle of the salt/lemon/water before bed with a magnesium tablet. Magnesium is generally good for muscle health and helps you relax. It also helps lubricate the colon and intestines to improve bowel movements. For the most parts, NO MORE CRAMPS. If I do get cramps, then I take another magnesium and more salt/lemon/water and then will also take a potassium tablet. And the relief comes pretty quickly.
I don't take potassium on a regular basis. Only when the cramping gets worse, like when I am out in the heat more than usual.
By the way, whenever I am out at the beach or in the heat, I drink lots of the salt/lemon/water to prevent cramping later.