

New member
Reece either has a head/chest cold or infection or allergies. (Im gonna ask that he get tested at his next clinic visit) He has been coughing really bad in the mornings when he wakes up to where he throws up. At night he starts couhing right before bed. He has been doing treatments & vest 3x day & has been on TOBI since Sept 1. IF it is PA how long should it take to knock it out IF it can. (meaning sometimes I know it might not & he'll need IVs) but usually how long does it take to start working?

On the other hand it COULD be the MRSA too!? (He cultures both) I was gonna give the TOBI a chance to "work" before I called the doctor.

When he "spits up/throws up" it IS a light green BUT not all of it....most of it is his milk from the feeding tube. BUT he has been doing this for about 1 week now...only when he gets feed through the tube. (It's like he gags himself.)


Staff member
DS was on tobi when he developed bronchitis. I had to hold him over the kitchen sink, basement floor drain when he'd start to have a coughing fit, 'cuz he'd end up vomiting up all his formula. When we were at one of his well child appointments, his local doctor heard him cough after I explained my concerns -- his response was that cfers cough. A month later I went to his primary CF doctor in the City who told us he had bronchitis and he prescribed some other antibiotics, did a culture -- turns out DS came home from the NICU with an enterbacter cholae bug -- something common in NICUs due to fecal matter, improper hand washing. So the antibiotic DS was prescribed, didn't touch the infection DS had, nor did the Tobi.

IMO, give your doctor a call. L


New member
Thank you Liza & Becky for replying. I think Reece has a head cold. Now I have it & so does daddy. Hopefully he can fight this thing off w/out a visit to the "big house". Thanks again for responding.