Colistin effects


New member
This is just and update/FYI in case anybody is interested. I posted a few weeks back asking if there were any other males who had used colistin and had an adverse (negative) effect on their testosterone. I didn't get any responses, and I am assuming it's just because nobody else had the specific exeperience.

My husband started Colistin in Aug/September for the first time and all his previous testosterone labs were normal or above range.

In October his testosterone was outside the normal range-it was very low. He was still using the colistin.

Then in December it was even lower than in october. HE stopped using the colistin in December.

In January it was even lower-double digits. His doctors were absolutely puzzled and had no idea where to go with this or what to do. I questioned all three of his doctors (CF doctor, urologist and infertility doctor) because in researching the Colistin there have been NO published reproductive studies on it, and his CF doctor found literature that stated something to the effect of 'the current studies either aren't substantial or need further evaluation because there were adverse effects'. I inquired about reporting this to the FDA to have them do studies, but the doctors said since there haven't been substantial complaints, nobody is going to do anything about it. I don't really know if the low testosterone is fully attirbuted to the Colistin, but I want others to be aware and suggest that they monitor it if they are using the colistin.

As stated above, my husband got off colistin in December. His January labs were rock bottom, then in February his labs started coming back up again, and we haven't done anythin different except stop the colistin.

If anybody out there is using colistin and is a male, I am very curious to see if you had a previous testosterone level and if it is now lower since you started to use the colistin. IOr, i suggest maybe getting a testosterone level if you insurance will cover it. If there are enough people who are experience the same situation, then no dobut someone will start looking into it. I just think the FDA has become too negligent lately (vioxx as an example, and many others).

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Hi Julie

Had a similar problem a few years back. Testosterone levels very low. Have been using inhaled Colistin for over 10 years. Doctors advised having a prolactin level test. Results came back very high. Further investigation revealed a small benign tumour on my petitory glad. As I found out this glad (just behind the eyes) controls the release of testosterone. I now control this with a tablet called cabagoline. Testosterone levels now back to normal. Might be worth a check. I don't believe there is a proven connection between Colistin and this condition however, but you never know.




New member
Jon, I thank you for the reply. Mark actually did have a CT scan to rule out a pituitary tumor or blockage of any type but it came back completely normal. His FSH and LH levels (which all have to do with testosterone adn therefore sperm production) all came back abnormally low too. I theorized it might be the colistin and as you can read above, expressed that to the doctors. The seemed interested, but not all that concerned nor did they want to do anything about it.

I just kind of wanted to make others aware of this and just see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing, or f someone (or a few people) on colistin would be willing to do testosterone checks and just inform me if they have changed. If we get enough people having this problem, we will be able to make the FDA do something about it.

I am glad they figured out what the situation was for you and that it was able to be corrected.
