Has anyone infused Colistin at home using premixed IV balls? If so, how long did they last in the fridge? I have infused Colistin at home before but I had to reconstitute the Colistin with sterile saline daily and inject it into Eclipse IV balls each day (or into an IV bag depending on my insurance). I am now with a new clinic and new hospital-they are sending me home from the hospital to do the remainder of my IV antibiotics but they plan to send premixed Eclipse IV balls for Colistin. The pharmacist claims these are good for 7 days when refrigerated. I asked them several questions about this and expressed my concerns since as far as I know-Coliston is not stable/safe when mixed for infusion beyond 24 hours and I always had to mix it myself at home. The pharmacist says the 7 days is safe and they sent me a two page article with this information as well. I’m still wary...