Collapsed Lung Anyone?


New member
I am recovering from 2..yeah 2 pneumothoraxes (sp??) and I was just wondering if anyone else has had one? And how did it go?
I didn't even know I had one, I thought I just pulled a muscle in my back. I had the first one for like more than a week, and the second for a few days and didn't even know it. They were both in my right lung (my bad side of course) and with in a week of each other. The first one went well, strange I know but I would repeat that one over my second. The first one was 33% collapsed but the surgeon who did the procedure was AWESOME!!! I had the chest tube inserted into my side and really only had it for like 4 days. The first day or two were painful but after that I was walking around, sitting up doing more than they thought I could...of course I had pain killers to help me out. The second time was awful I was fully aware of everything going on around me during the surgery, the first time I was so sedated I had no idea what was going on and no pain it was good. This other time was horrible...they didn't give me enough seditave or pain medication so I felt everything, also this chest tube was placed a little below my collar bone/above my boob, NOT A GOOD PLACE!!! Then it wasn't even placed right so they had to come back and pull some of it out...I will never do that again. I have the name of the first sergon stuck in my head now if I ever have to do that again.

Just curious to see what other people experienced


New member
I am recovering from 2..yeah 2 pneumothoraxes (sp??) and I was just wondering if anyone else has had one? And how did it go?
I didn't even know I had one, I thought I just pulled a muscle in my back. I had the first one for like more than a week, and the second for a few days and didn't even know it. They were both in my right lung (my bad side of course) and with in a week of each other. The first one went well, strange I know but I would repeat that one over my second. The first one was 33% collapsed but the surgeon who did the procedure was AWESOME!!! I had the chest tube inserted into my side and really only had it for like 4 days. The first day or two were painful but after that I was walking around, sitting up doing more than they thought I could...of course I had pain killers to help me out. The second time was awful I was fully aware of everything going on around me during the surgery, the first time I was so sedated I had no idea what was going on and no pain it was good. This other time was horrible...they didn't give me enough seditave or pain medication so I felt everything, also this chest tube was placed a little below my collar bone/above my boob, NOT A GOOD PLACE!!! Then it wasn't even placed right so they had to come back and pull some of it out...I will never do that again. I have the name of the first sergon stuck in my head now if I ever have to do that again.

Just curious to see what other people experienced


New member
I had a partial one when I was a kid & didnt know it. The doctor took an xray & saw it. He wanted to insert a tube to reinflate it if we couldnt take care of it on our own in a short amount of time. Luckily we did! Its funny...I remember standing with my Mom & the doctor looking at the xray in the office & saying to myself....doesnt look any different to me! LOL!


New member
I had a partial one when I was a kid & didnt know it. The doctor took an xray & saw it. He wanted to insert a tube to reinflate it if we couldnt take care of it on our own in a short amount of time. Luckily we did! Its funny...I remember standing with my Mom & the doctor looking at the xray in the office & saying to myself....doesnt look any different to me! LOL!


New member
i just had an xray taken 1 week ago because i have the flu.. ithought it was pnuenoia. but dr. said the xray was clear. i never had a collaped lung b4. at least i dont think. but i do get very bad back and lung pain during a cf infection.. will i know if it collapes or not??? that always scared me...


New member
i just had an xray taken 1 week ago because i have the flu.. ithought it was pnuenoia. but dr. said the xray was clear. i never had a collaped lung b4. at least i dont think. but i do get very bad back and lung pain during a cf infection.. will i know if it collapes or not??? that always scared me...


New member
My understanding was that it was suppose to be very painful. Maybe that is a completely collapsed lung, I dont know. All I personally know is I didnt have any unusual pain as a kid when I had a partial one. Maybe it depends on the person. I cant remember if my breathing was affected at all. I would assume it was, but maybe didnt really notice since it was partial. Anyone else have feedback?


New member
My understanding was that it was suppose to be very painful. Maybe that is a completely collapsed lung, I dont know. All I personally know is I didnt have any unusual pain as a kid when I had a partial one. Maybe it depends on the person. I cant remember if my breathing was affected at all. I would assume it was, but maybe didnt really notice since it was partial. Anyone else have feedback?


New member
I had a pneumothorax after I got my port placed. The surgeon nicked my lung during the surgery and it collapsed. I was so sedated from the sleepy medicine I didn't feel it, but they didn't put a chest tube in until the next because they were hoping it would inflate back on it's own. It didn't, and the next day the surgeon came into place the chest. I only got a little morphen (sp?) and was well aware of everything that was going on. They deadend the area the placed it in, which was under my left arm, so it wasn't too painful, just some pressure and a little sting. I had it for 4, but on the 2nd day the took the suction off and the lung fell again. That one hurt, I knew that it had fallen when it happened and they put the suction back on immediatly. I will say it wasn't as bad as I thought having one would be, I was always scared of them growing up. I'm sure it's not anything we all can't handle. We're tuff<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I had a pneumothorax after I got my port placed. The surgeon nicked my lung during the surgery and it collapsed. I was so sedated from the sleepy medicine I didn't feel it, but they didn't put a chest tube in until the next because they were hoping it would inflate back on it's own. It didn't, and the next day the surgeon came into place the chest. I only got a little morphen (sp?) and was well aware of everything that was going on. They deadend the area the placed it in, which was under my left arm, so it wasn't too painful, just some pressure and a little sting. I had it for 4, but on the 2nd day the took the suction off and the lung fell again. That one hurt, I knew that it had fallen when it happened and they put the suction back on immediatly. I will say it wasn't as bad as I thought having one would be, I was always scared of them growing up. I'm sure it's not anything we all can't handle. We're tuff<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey there,
I had my upper left lobe partially collapse last July (first time I had a lung collapse) . It was bizarre. I didn't have any pain at all - not even occassionally chest/back pain. I had felt like I couldn't breathe well for a few weeks, but just thought it was cause of the heat (I live in FL). I had complained to my mom and fiance how I felt I wasn't getting enough O2 at night because I had a hard time waking up and feeling awake even after 10-11-12 hours of sleep - you know how when you wake up sometimes and you just want to go back to sleep, but again wrote it off.

I went out and played softball the night before I found out it was collapsed and had an okay time. I was definitely short of breathe, but I usually got out of breathe when I played sports. Then the next day I coughed up blood in my sputum, got worried and called the doc. They sent me in for an Xray and PFTs. The doc asked me how I felt after all that - if I felt sick or anything. I said no - I am just really short of breathe, and am coughing for what feels like forever (and very hard) and not getting anything up. He then told me my lung was partially collapsed and he felt that was why.

He brought me in the next morning and did a bronchoscopy to clear the blockage that was causing the collapse. After that it took a few weeks on an oral antibiotic (no IV antibiotics) for me to feel like I was back to somewhat baseline. O2 sats were low (91-92) after that until I went into the hospital in Dec when they finally went back up to around 95-98.



New member
Hey there,
I had my upper left lobe partially collapse last July (first time I had a lung collapse) . It was bizarre. I didn't have any pain at all - not even occassionally chest/back pain. I had felt like I couldn't breathe well for a few weeks, but just thought it was cause of the heat (I live in FL). I had complained to my mom and fiance how I felt I wasn't getting enough O2 at night because I had a hard time waking up and feeling awake even after 10-11-12 hours of sleep - you know how when you wake up sometimes and you just want to go back to sleep, but again wrote it off.

I went out and played softball the night before I found out it was collapsed and had an okay time. I was definitely short of breathe, but I usually got out of breathe when I played sports. Then the next day I coughed up blood in my sputum, got worried and called the doc. They sent me in for an Xray and PFTs. The doc asked me how I felt after all that - if I felt sick or anything. I said no - I am just really short of breathe, and am coughing for what feels like forever (and very hard) and not getting anything up. He then told me my lung was partially collapsed and he felt that was why.

He brought me in the next morning and did a bronchoscopy to clear the blockage that was causing the collapse. After that it took a few weeks on an oral antibiotic (no IV antibiotics) for me to feel like I was back to somewhat baseline. O2 sats were low (91-92) after that until I went into the hospital in Dec when they finally went back up to around 95-98.



New member
Ive never had a lung collapse either, and that scares me too, cause I dont know what to expect or know what it will feel like or anything so I enjoy reading the stories of those that have had one, that way it gives me some kind of an insight on what to look for, if it ever happens, hopefully it never will.


New member
Ive never had a lung collapse either, and that scares me too, cause I dont know what to expect or know what it will feel like or anything so I enjoy reading the stories of those that have had one, that way it gives me some kind of an insight on what to look for, if it ever happens, hopefully it never will.


New member
I had a collapsed lung last August. I was deffantly short of breath, my mom called the doc and they said to go to the ER. So we went to the ER they did a Xray and I really dont remember anything after that. I woke up with a chest tube in my side. I had the chest tube for about a week and half or so and my lung wouldnt reinflate so I had to have some surgery for it to reinflate. So far I haven't had any other trouble but whenever I have any chest pain they get really concerned.


New member
I had a collapsed lung last August. I was deffantly short of breath, my mom called the doc and they said to go to the ER. So we went to the ER they did a Xray and I really dont remember anything after that. I woke up with a chest tube in my side. I had the chest tube for about a week and half or so and my lung wouldnt reinflate so I had to have some surgery for it to reinflate. So far I haven't had any other trouble but whenever I have any chest pain they get really concerned.


New member
I've had a collapsed lung twice. Both times from mediport placements. The first one was awful. They laid me flat and put me in a twilight and I started coughing, not even knowing I was. They started yelling at me to stop and I kinda woke up. They asked me if I was having trouble breathing and I said a little. Then afterwards they brought me out into recovery and woke me up. I was in a total panic. I couldn't breathe and was freaking out, yelling and thrashing around, which made it worse. Then they just stabbed me in the side and stuck the tube in. The relief was immediate, but it hurt like hell! No lidocaine or anything, very painful indeed! The second one was not bad at all. I couldn't even tell there was a problem and it was so slight that I didn't need a chest tube, thank god! Now I'm scared to death to get mediports!!


New member
I've had a collapsed lung twice. Both times from mediport placements. The first one was awful. They laid me flat and put me in a twilight and I started coughing, not even knowing I was. They started yelling at me to stop and I kinda woke up. They asked me if I was having trouble breathing and I said a little. Then afterwards they brought me out into recovery and woke me up. I was in a total panic. I couldn't breathe and was freaking out, yelling and thrashing around, which made it worse. Then they just stabbed me in the side and stuck the tube in. The relief was immediate, but it hurt like hell! No lidocaine or anything, very painful indeed! The second one was not bad at all. I couldn't even tell there was a problem and it was so slight that I didn't need a chest tube, thank god! Now I'm scared to death to get mediports!!