College and Clean outs.


New member
if the clinic knows im in college and i cannot miss classes do you think they would let me do home iv antibiotics? Spec if i suggested i stayed with my bf for the two weeks, bc my grandmother smokes at home. I cannot afford to miss any classes but i dont know if i can push a clean out back to the summer? last quarter i got sick missed two weeks of school. i got H1N1, pnuemonia and a virus. i was seen by two hospitals and ended up getting my fiancial aide taken away from me, thankfully i appealed and it got accepted. do you think they will allow me to do the treatments out patient? I dont know i havnt been in college long enough to figure out cf vs college >.< i do know i cant be put on acedemic probation again bc i cant appeal it again, ill be screwed.


New member
if the clinic knows im in college and i cannot miss classes do you think they would let me do home iv antibiotics? Spec if i suggested i stayed with my bf for the two weeks, bc my grandmother smokes at home. I cannot afford to miss any classes but i dont know if i can push a clean out back to the summer? last quarter i got sick missed two weeks of school. i got H1N1, pnuemonia and a virus. i was seen by two hospitals and ended up getting my fiancial aide taken away from me, thankfully i appealed and it got accepted. do you think they will allow me to do the treatments out patient? I dont know i havnt been in college long enough to figure out cf vs college >.< i do know i cant be put on acedemic probation again bc i cant appeal it again, ill be screwed.


New member
if the clinic knows im in college and i cannot miss classes do you think they would let me do home iv antibiotics? Spec if i suggested i stayed with my bf for the two weeks, bc my grandmother smokes at home. I cannot afford to miss any classes but i dont know if i can push a clean out back to the summer? last quarter i got sick missed two weeks of school. i got H1N1, pnuemonia and a virus. i was seen by two hospitals and ended up getting my fiancial aide taken away from me, thankfully i appealed and it got accepted. do you think they will allow me to do the treatments out patient? I dont know i havnt been in college long enough to figure out cf vs college >.< i do know i cant be put on acedemic probation again bc i cant appeal it again, ill be screwed.


New member
if the clinic knows im in college and i cannot miss classes do you think they would let me do home iv antibiotics? Spec if i suggested i stayed with my bf for the two weeks, bc my grandmother smokes at home. I cannot afford to miss any classes but i dont know if i can push a clean out back to the summer? last quarter i got sick missed two weeks of school. i got H1N1, pnuemonia and a virus. i was seen by two hospitals and ended up getting my fiancial aide taken away from me, thankfully i appealed and it got accepted. do you think they will allow me to do the treatments out patient? I dont know i havnt been in college long enough to figure out cf vs college >.< i do know i cant be put on acedemic probation again bc i cant appeal it again, ill be screwed.


New member
if the clinic knows im in college and i cannot miss classes do you think they would let me do home iv antibiotics? Spec if i suggested i stayed with my bf for the two weeks, bc my grandmother smokes at home. I cannot afford to miss any classes but i dont know if i can push a clean out back to the summer? last quarter i got sick missed two weeks of school. i got H1N1, pnuemonia and a virus. i was seen by two hospitals and ended up getting my fiancial aide taken away from me, thankfully i appealed and it got accepted. do you think they will allow me to do the treatments out patient? I dont know i havnt been in college long enough to figure out cf vs college >.< i do know i cant be put on acedemic probation again bc i cant appeal it again, ill be screwed.


When I was in college (I did a 4 yr degree and was in grad school for a few years) I always did home IVs or did a tuneup during a break. Well I take that back. I did one or 2 tuneups where I left the hospital to go to class. My dad would come and pick me up, take me to class, and then take me back. That was like a t/th lab or something. I didn't leave every day of the week. And the doctors OKd it

Just ask for home IVs. No harm in asking and having a discussion - you are an adult now and need to advocate for the type of care you want. Probably a good idea to have the discussion ahead of time so everything can be in place when/if you become sick.


When I was in college (I did a 4 yr degree and was in grad school for a few years) I always did home IVs or did a tuneup during a break. Well I take that back. I did one or 2 tuneups where I left the hospital to go to class. My dad would come and pick me up, take me to class, and then take me back. That was like a t/th lab or something. I didn't leave every day of the week. And the doctors OKd it

Just ask for home IVs. No harm in asking and having a discussion - you are an adult now and need to advocate for the type of care you want. Probably a good idea to have the discussion ahead of time so everything can be in place when/if you become sick.


When I was in college (I did a 4 yr degree and was in grad school for a few years) I always did home IVs or did a tuneup during a break. Well I take that back. I did one or 2 tuneups where I left the hospital to go to class. My dad would come and pick me up, take me to class, and then take me back. That was like a t/th lab or something. I didn't leave every day of the week. And the doctors OKd it

Just ask for home IVs. No harm in asking and having a discussion - you are an adult now and need to advocate for the type of care you want. Probably a good idea to have the discussion ahead of time so everything can be in place when/if you become sick.


When I was in college (I did a 4 yr degree and was in grad school for a few years) I always did home IVs or did a tuneup during a break. Well I take that back. I did one or 2 tuneups where I left the hospital to go to class. My dad would come and pick me up, take me to class, and then take me back. That was like a t/th lab or something. I didn't leave every day of the week. And the doctors OKd it

Just ask for home IVs. No harm in asking and having a discussion - you are an adult now and need to advocate for the type of care you want. Probably a good idea to have the discussion ahead of time so everything can be in place when/if you become sick.


When I was in college (I did a 4 yr degree and was in grad school for a few years) I always did home IVs or did a tuneup during a break. Well I take that back. I did one or 2 tuneups where I left the hospital to go to class. My dad would come and pick me up, take me to class, and then take me back. That was like a t/th lab or something. I didn't leave every day of the week. And the doctors OKd it
<br />
<br />Just ask for home IVs. No harm in asking and having a discussion - you are an adult now and need to advocate for the type of care you want. Probably a good idea to have the discussion ahead of time so everything can be in place when/if you become sick.


New member
First off, are you registered with Disability Resource Center (DRC) at your school?

I had never been in the hopsital for a tune up when I entered college, and actually resgistered with them somewhat by accident... mainly because I knew I would be missing class more than others if I (or others) were sick and didnt want to be docked on attendance issues.

The DRC has been pivotal in helping me get through the semester, even when I was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2007, I did take an Incomplete in a class (extenuating circumstances) and did get an F... the next semester I was still pretty sick though, and doing home ivs but had another Incomplete in a different class... long story short I got the F turned to a W based on my "unique" situation. If I am not personally coordinating with professors when I am in the hospital, the DRC does it for me and has arranged "note-takers" for me as well.

I am also going to try and appeal some financial aide stuff, but not exactly sure how that will work out yet.

Nowdays, because I need tune-ups quickly and normally for long periods of time as soon as the semester starts I talk with my professor and tell him what is going on, I am registered w/ DRC, only accomadations are normally just to make up HW, Exams, and not have missed classes affect attendance grade if due to CF... I havent had any problems and I do hospitals and home ivs frequently. Every teacher works with me.

Oh and my hospital is 4+ hours away, so we "in house" I cant get a "pass" to go to certain labs or such, but I would definately take advantage if I did have a situation like that.


New member
First off, are you registered with Disability Resource Center (DRC) at your school?

I had never been in the hopsital for a tune up when I entered college, and actually resgistered with them somewhat by accident... mainly because I knew I would be missing class more than others if I (or others) were sick and didnt want to be docked on attendance issues.

The DRC has been pivotal in helping me get through the semester, even when I was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2007, I did take an Incomplete in a class (extenuating circumstances) and did get an F... the next semester I was still pretty sick though, and doing home ivs but had another Incomplete in a different class... long story short I got the F turned to a W based on my "unique" situation. If I am not personally coordinating with professors when I am in the hospital, the DRC does it for me and has arranged "note-takers" for me as well.

I am also going to try and appeal some financial aide stuff, but not exactly sure how that will work out yet.

Nowdays, because I need tune-ups quickly and normally for long periods of time as soon as the semester starts I talk with my professor and tell him what is going on, I am registered w/ DRC, only accomadations are normally just to make up HW, Exams, and not have missed classes affect attendance grade if due to CF... I havent had any problems and I do hospitals and home ivs frequently. Every teacher works with me.

Oh and my hospital is 4+ hours away, so we "in house" I cant get a "pass" to go to certain labs or such, but I would definately take advantage if I did have a situation like that.


New member
First off, are you registered with Disability Resource Center (DRC) at your school?

I had never been in the hopsital for a tune up when I entered college, and actually resgistered with them somewhat by accident... mainly because I knew I would be missing class more than others if I (or others) were sick and didnt want to be docked on attendance issues.

The DRC has been pivotal in helping me get through the semester, even when I was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2007, I did take an Incomplete in a class (extenuating circumstances) and did get an F... the next semester I was still pretty sick though, and doing home ivs but had another Incomplete in a different class... long story short I got the F turned to a W based on my "unique" situation. If I am not personally coordinating with professors when I am in the hospital, the DRC does it for me and has arranged "note-takers" for me as well.

I am also going to try and appeal some financial aide stuff, but not exactly sure how that will work out yet.

Nowdays, because I need tune-ups quickly and normally for long periods of time as soon as the semester starts I talk with my professor and tell him what is going on, I am registered w/ DRC, only accomadations are normally just to make up HW, Exams, and not have missed classes affect attendance grade if due to CF... I havent had any problems and I do hospitals and home ivs frequently. Every teacher works with me.

Oh and my hospital is 4+ hours away, so we "in house" I cant get a "pass" to go to certain labs or such, but I would definately take advantage if I did have a situation like that.


New member
First off, are you registered with Disability Resource Center (DRC) at your school?

I had never been in the hopsital for a tune up when I entered college, and actually resgistered with them somewhat by accident... mainly because I knew I would be missing class more than others if I (or others) were sick and didnt want to be docked on attendance issues.

The DRC has been pivotal in helping me get through the semester, even when I was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2007, I did take an Incomplete in a class (extenuating circumstances) and did get an F... the next semester I was still pretty sick though, and doing home ivs but had another Incomplete in a different class... long story short I got the F turned to a W based on my "unique" situation. If I am not personally coordinating with professors when I am in the hospital, the DRC does it for me and has arranged "note-takers" for me as well.

I am also going to try and appeal some financial aide stuff, but not exactly sure how that will work out yet.

Nowdays, because I need tune-ups quickly and normally for long periods of time as soon as the semester starts I talk with my professor and tell him what is going on, I am registered w/ DRC, only accomadations are normally just to make up HW, Exams, and not have missed classes affect attendance grade if due to CF... I havent had any problems and I do hospitals and home ivs frequently. Every teacher works with me.

Oh and my hospital is 4+ hours away, so we "in house" I cant get a "pass" to go to certain labs or such, but I would definately take advantage if I did have a situation like that.


New member
First off, are you registered with Disability Resource Center (DRC) at your school?
<br />
<br />I had never been in the hopsital for a tune up when I entered college, and actually resgistered with them somewhat by accident... mainly because I knew I would be missing class more than others if I (or others) were sick and didnt want to be docked on attendance issues.
<br />
<br />The DRC has been pivotal in helping me get through the semester, even when I was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2007, I did take an Incomplete in a class (extenuating circumstances) and did get an F... the next semester I was still pretty sick though, and doing home ivs but had another Incomplete in a different class... long story short I got the F turned to a W based on my "unique" situation. If I am not personally coordinating with professors when I am in the hospital, the DRC does it for me and has arranged "note-takers" for me as well.
<br />
<br />I am also going to try and appeal some financial aide stuff, but not exactly sure how that will work out yet.
<br />
<br />Nowdays, because I need tune-ups quickly and normally for long periods of time as soon as the semester starts I talk with my professor and tell him what is going on, I am registered w/ DRC, only accomadations are normally just to make up HW, Exams, and not have missed classes affect attendance grade if due to CF... I havent had any problems and I do hospitals and home ivs frequently. Every teacher works with me.
<br />
<br />Oh and my hospital is 4+ hours away, so we "in house" I cant get a "pass" to go to certain labs or such, but I would definately take advantage if I did have a situation like that.


New member
If you can prove that you will be in a stable place and have a support (at least one person to help you in some way - whether helping infuse your meds or even cleaning/cooking/checking in on you), and your vitals are stable (as in your O2/BP/etc. being stable), I think you have a good case for your doc to consider home IVs.

I would talk to your Dean of Students and whatever "department of disabled students" is available, should you need some leeway with class attendance/extra time to complete assignments/tale tests depending on your med schedule. Also remember depending on which arm your PICC is in, you might have writing/typing issues. In college, this department was essential to me. The dean of students' secretary oversaw any tests that I misssed and liasisoned with professors on REASONABLE accommodations.

You CAN do it...but you DO need help. Even carrying books and walking to class. Campus PD usually offers rides when students are unable to walk to class for whatever reason. USE YOUR RESOURCES.

Good luck and let me know if you need more info. I got through college with a bunch of tuneups and exacerbations, with a 3.65 GPA and 100% scholarships and grants. If you want to private message me, please do so.


New member
If you can prove that you will be in a stable place and have a support (at least one person to help you in some way - whether helping infuse your meds or even cleaning/cooking/checking in on you), and your vitals are stable (as in your O2/BP/etc. being stable), I think you have a good case for your doc to consider home IVs.

I would talk to your Dean of Students and whatever "department of disabled students" is available, should you need some leeway with class attendance/extra time to complete assignments/tale tests depending on your med schedule. Also remember depending on which arm your PICC is in, you might have writing/typing issues. In college, this department was essential to me. The dean of students' secretary oversaw any tests that I misssed and liasisoned with professors on REASONABLE accommodations.

You CAN do it...but you DO need help. Even carrying books and walking to class. Campus PD usually offers rides when students are unable to walk to class for whatever reason. USE YOUR RESOURCES.

Good luck and let me know if you need more info. I got through college with a bunch of tuneups and exacerbations, with a 3.65 GPA and 100% scholarships and grants. If you want to private message me, please do so.


New member
If you can prove that you will be in a stable place and have a support (at least one person to help you in some way - whether helping infuse your meds or even cleaning/cooking/checking in on you), and your vitals are stable (as in your O2/BP/etc. being stable), I think you have a good case for your doc to consider home IVs.

I would talk to your Dean of Students and whatever "department of disabled students" is available, should you need some leeway with class attendance/extra time to complete assignments/tale tests depending on your med schedule. Also remember depending on which arm your PICC is in, you might have writing/typing issues. In college, this department was essential to me. The dean of students' secretary oversaw any tests that I misssed and liasisoned with professors on REASONABLE accommodations.

You CAN do it...but you DO need help. Even carrying books and walking to class. Campus PD usually offers rides when students are unable to walk to class for whatever reason. USE YOUR RESOURCES.

Good luck and let me know if you need more info. I got through college with a bunch of tuneups and exacerbations, with a 3.65 GPA and 100% scholarships and grants. If you want to private message me, please do so.


New member
If you can prove that you will be in a stable place and have a support (at least one person to help you in some way - whether helping infuse your meds or even cleaning/cooking/checking in on you), and your vitals are stable (as in your O2/BP/etc. being stable), I think you have a good case for your doc to consider home IVs.

I would talk to your Dean of Students and whatever "department of disabled students" is available, should you need some leeway with class attendance/extra time to complete assignments/tale tests depending on your med schedule. Also remember depending on which arm your PICC is in, you might have writing/typing issues. In college, this department was essential to me. The dean of students' secretary oversaw any tests that I misssed and liasisoned with professors on REASONABLE accommodations.

You CAN do it...but you DO need help. Even carrying books and walking to class. Campus PD usually offers rides when students are unable to walk to class for whatever reason. USE YOUR RESOURCES.

Good luck and let me know if you need more info. I got through college with a bunch of tuneups and exacerbations, with a 3.65 GPA and 100% scholarships and grants. If you want to private message me, please do so.


New member
If you can prove that you will be in a stable place and have a support (at least one person to help you in some way - whether helping infuse your meds or even cleaning/cooking/checking in on you), and your vitals are stable (as in your O2/BP/etc. being stable), I think you have a good case for your doc to consider home IVs.
<br />
<br />I would talk to your Dean of Students and whatever "department of disabled students" is available, should you need some leeway with class attendance/extra time to complete assignments/tale tests depending on your med schedule. Also remember depending on which arm your PICC is in, you might have writing/typing issues. In college, this department was essential to me. The dean of students' secretary oversaw any tests that I misssed and liasisoned with professors on REASONABLE accommodations.
<br />
<br />You CAN do it...but you DO need help. Even carrying books and walking to class. Campus PD usually offers rides when students are unable to walk to class for whatever reason. USE YOUR RESOURCES.
<br />
<br />Good luck and let me know if you need more info. I got through college with a bunch of tuneups and exacerbations, with a 3.65 GPA and 100% scholarships and grants. If you want to private message me, please do so.