College living


New member
I was just reading another post about people getting single rooms at college. I am also planning on doing this but I am worried about making friends. I am no doubt a social person, but this is around people I know. How was it being in a single room and making friends?


New member
I was just reading another post about people getting single rooms at college. I am also planning on doing this but I am worried about making friends. I am no doubt a social person, but this is around people I know. How was it being in a single room and making friends?


New member
I was just reading another post about people getting single rooms at college. I am also planning on doing this but I am worried about making friends. I am no doubt a social person, but this is around people I know. How was it being in a single room and making friends?


New member
I was just reading another post about people getting single rooms at college. I am also planning on doing this but I am worried about making friends. I am no doubt a social person, but this is around people I know. How was it being in a single room and making friends?


New member
I was just reading another post about people getting single rooms at college. I am also planning on doing this but I am worried about making friends. I am no doubt a social person, but this is around people I know. How was it being in a single room and making friends?


Super Moderator
i always had a roomate when i lived in the dorms--maybe i just lucked out in the roomate department because mine were always amazing and still to this day are some of my dearest friends. honestly you're not in your room *that* much at least in my experience and when I would be in my room i would have the door open especially those first few weeks of school when everyone is meeting everyone else. I also would just wander down the hall and see who else had their doors open and poke my head in...if you're a pretty sociable person you'll be fine! if you don't shut yourself up in your room all the time you're bound to make friends....

college was so fun...i miss it


Super Moderator
i always had a roomate when i lived in the dorms--maybe i just lucked out in the roomate department because mine were always amazing and still to this day are some of my dearest friends. honestly you're not in your room *that* much at least in my experience and when I would be in my room i would have the door open especially those first few weeks of school when everyone is meeting everyone else. I also would just wander down the hall and see who else had their doors open and poke my head in...if you're a pretty sociable person you'll be fine! if you don't shut yourself up in your room all the time you're bound to make friends....

college was so fun...i miss it


Super Moderator
i always had a roomate when i lived in the dorms--maybe i just lucked out in the roomate department because mine were always amazing and still to this day are some of my dearest friends. honestly you're not in your room *that* much at least in my experience and when I would be in my room i would have the door open especially those first few weeks of school when everyone is meeting everyone else. I also would just wander down the hall and see who else had their doors open and poke my head in...if you're a pretty sociable person you'll be fine! if you don't shut yourself up in your room all the time you're bound to make friends....

college was so fun...i miss it


Super Moderator
i always had a roomate when i lived in the dorms--maybe i just lucked out in the roomate department because mine were always amazing and still to this day are some of my dearest friends. honestly you're not in your room *that* much at least in my experience and when I would be in my room i would have the door open especially those first few weeks of school when everyone is meeting everyone else. I also would just wander down the hall and see who else had their doors open and poke my head in...if you're a pretty sociable person you'll be fine! if you don't shut yourself up in your room all the time you're bound to make friends....

college was so fun...i miss it


Super Moderator
i always had a roomate when i lived in the dorms--maybe i just lucked out in the roomate department because mine were always amazing and still to this day are some of my dearest friends. honestly you're not in your room *that* much at least in my experience and when I would be in my room i would have the door open especially those first few weeks of school when everyone is meeting everyone else. I also would just wander down the hall and see who else had their doors open and poke my head in...if you're a pretty sociable person you'll be fine! if you don't shut yourself up in your room all the time you're bound to make friends....
<br />
<br />college was so fun...i miss it


New member
I did feel a little left out that I was a freshman and I did not have a roomate to pal along with but that negative does not outweigh the positive that comes with having your own room! I did not have to deal with a roomates schedule and I can sleep when I want, do all my treatments etc. I made friends but I also knew some sophmores so I had some friends right away. I also joined a sorority so then it REALLY did not matter cause I had all that going on and met people in my dorm pledging the same sorority and then we all became friends and ate,etc together.

I have to admit I felt a bit left out but I knew I needed my own room and I did LOVE having my own privacy!

Good Luck!
Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I did feel a little left out that I was a freshman and I did not have a roomate to pal along with but that negative does not outweigh the positive that comes with having your own room! I did not have to deal with a roomates schedule and I can sleep when I want, do all my treatments etc. I made friends but I also knew some sophmores so I had some friends right away. I also joined a sorority so then it REALLY did not matter cause I had all that going on and met people in my dorm pledging the same sorority and then we all became friends and ate,etc together.

I have to admit I felt a bit left out but I knew I needed my own room and I did LOVE having my own privacy!

Good Luck!
Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I did feel a little left out that I was a freshman and I did not have a roomate to pal along with but that negative does not outweigh the positive that comes with having your own room! I did not have to deal with a roomates schedule and I can sleep when I want, do all my treatments etc. I made friends but I also knew some sophmores so I had some friends right away. I also joined a sorority so then it REALLY did not matter cause I had all that going on and met people in my dorm pledging the same sorority and then we all became friends and ate,etc together.

I have to admit I felt a bit left out but I knew I needed my own room and I did LOVE having my own privacy!

Good Luck!
Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I did feel a little left out that I was a freshman and I did not have a roomate to pal along with but that negative does not outweigh the positive that comes with having your own room! I did not have to deal with a roomates schedule and I can sleep when I want, do all my treatments etc. I made friends but I also knew some sophmores so I had some friends right away. I also joined a sorority so then it REALLY did not matter cause I had all that going on and met people in my dorm pledging the same sorority and then we all became friends and ate,etc together.

I have to admit I felt a bit left out but I knew I needed my own room and I did LOVE having my own privacy!

Good Luck!
Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I did feel a little left out that I was a freshman and I did not have a roomate to pal along with but that negative does not outweigh the positive that comes with having your own room! I did not have to deal with a roomates schedule and I can sleep when I want, do all my treatments etc. I made friends but I also knew some sophmores so I had some friends right away. I also joined a sorority so then it REALLY did not matter cause I had all that going on and met people in my dorm pledging the same sorority and then we all became friends and ate,etc together.
<br />
<br />I have to admit I felt a bit left out but I knew I needed my own room and I did LOVE having my own privacy!
<br />
<br />Good Luck!
<br />Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
In my dorm we had suites. I had a private room and shared a bath and living area with 2 other people. It was really the best situation cause I could be alone if I wanted, yet still had a social area so chill with my friends. Having said that most dorms do have a common room or game room that's a social area, so it shouldn't be hard to get left out even if you do end up having a private room. It just might take a little more extroversion on your part.


New member
In my dorm we had suites. I had a private room and shared a bath and living area with 2 other people. It was really the best situation cause I could be alone if I wanted, yet still had a social area so chill with my friends. Having said that most dorms do have a common room or game room that's a social area, so it shouldn't be hard to get left out even if you do end up having a private room. It just might take a little more extroversion on your part.


New member
In my dorm we had suites. I had a private room and shared a bath and living area with 2 other people. It was really the best situation cause I could be alone if I wanted, yet still had a social area so chill with my friends. Having said that most dorms do have a common room or game room that's a social area, so it shouldn't be hard to get left out even if you do end up having a private room. It just might take a little more extroversion on your part.


New member
In my dorm we had suites. I had a private room and shared a bath and living area with 2 other people. It was really the best situation cause I could be alone if I wanted, yet still had a social area so chill with my friends. Having said that most dorms do have a common room or game room that's a social area, so it shouldn't be hard to get left out even if you do end up having a private room. It just might take a little more extroversion on your part.


New member
In my dorm we had suites. I had a private room and shared a bath and living area with 2 other people. It was really the best situation cause I could be alone if I wanted, yet still had a social area so chill with my friends. Having said that most dorms do have a common room or game room that's a social area, so it shouldn't be hard to get left out even if you do end up having a private room. It just might take a little more extroversion on your part.