College with CF


New member
Is there any information you can tell me about going to college with CF? I would be very interested in knowing any details? And am I right in assuming that these would apply to any boarding school? (This is for a student who would be living in a dorm.)


New member
I don't know at all what kind of questions you want answered, but I have attended one year of college so far (going back in September) 2 hours away from home with CF. Email or IM me anytime and ask more specific questions and I'll be happy to answer anything. I'm very open. AbsintheSorrow = my AIM name.


New member
I attended college away from home (lived in the dorms) and there are special concerns as well as special assistance on most campuses for people with CF. There was an article a while back in the CFRoundtable newsletter ( about colleges and scholarships and all sorts of stuff pertaining to it. Please email me for specifics at: