colloidal Silver



Hi just wondering if anyone has used colloidal silver and can give me some feedback on it, especially in treating cepacia.


I use inhaled ionic silver (one step before colloidal silver). This past summer was the first time I have culture cepacia and spent 17 weeks on iv antibiotics. At the end of my treatment I was still culturing staph, stenotrophamonas, achromabactor, cepacia, aspergillis, and because of all the meds, I also had heavy growth of Candida, but I was beginning to feel toxic from all the drugs so I decided enough was enough. I was also on 60mg of prednisone. A couple days after stopping the iv, I started getting really sick. At this point I was on NO antibiotics at all. I started nebbing silver 5mls twice a day, and have ever since. When I went back one month later my culture came back with only light growth of aspergillis! I think its amazing stuff! Good luck to you!


Sorry, also meant to add that I am also now completely off prednisone!! :)


colloidal silver

How much do you neb? what do you mix it with?


New member
Is ionic or colloidal silver like SilverSol? My mother in law told me to try it and said I could even inhale it to try to get rid of Staph and Aspergillis. I was just wondering if this is the same kind of stuff?


Super Moderator
Not again! Why, short of desperation, would a person ingest a heavy metal? For certain silver has been used as an antiseptic for a long time. Even silver based nasal sprays, throat spray and throat lozenges existed when I was a kid. I used them as if it were perfectly safe to do so. The real Original Listerine of my day did the same thing and yes a diluted concoction of Listerine was on the inside label for a nasal rinse. Bleaugh, alcohol up the nose? So what now, should I leap logic and inhale carbolic acid? This is the active ingredient in original antiseptics like Listerine. Phenol or carbolic acid kills all known life including viruses. Great if you feel sacrificing some flesh in killing pathogens is worth the trade off. Like so many metals, silver will burst living cells. In terms of inhaling colloidal silver, it will almost immediately lose the weak cohesion of a colloid, ionize and react as a poison. In silver's defense it binds with the thick mucus we CFer's harbor. Most will bind with the thickening salt and become photoreactive silver halides and silver salts. An amount of silver will attack microbes and toxins from infection. The removal of toxins is normally addressed with proper hydration. Nothing more toxic is formed when silver binds with cytotoxins. In other words silver and cytotoxins are both human poisons but combined they are no worse than either substances unbound chemically.

If anybody is interested in putting pure metals in their bodies why not copper? It is a proven antimicrobial metal used freely in water pipes and ships for those very properties. With billions of people years exposure to copper disolved in drinking water, it's safe to some degree. Most people wouldn't trust inhaling copper so why inhale mercury or silver? Overwhemling anecdotal stories are just that, no slight intended for those who swear by it. If it works for you, who am I to argue?

I am a professional researcher who has spent way more time than it was worth to establish benefit to risk statistics for coloidal silver. A year and a half of my time and lots of money tells me that as much as standard antibiotics fall short in the arsenal of CFers, antiseptics are topical and however they are used or misused, they are the ultimate broad spectrum antibiotic in that everything living it contacts it will kill.

Our antibiotics took eons to discover and the microscopic battle between bacteria, molds and viruses for dominance has given us designer drugs of almost magical qualities. Penicillin is nothing more than a common mold's chemical warfare agent against bacteria, that are fighting with the mold for dominion. We have taken to extracting stuff made by living things to see what it kills. If something helpful is found it is tested for bio-viability against mammalian cells. When a substance meets some basic criteria, it is taken to the next step toward being an antibiotic for us. So why not use something targeted to kill pathogenic infections and not harming body cells? Unless every antibiotic has been tried to exhaustion, silver, phenol and several classes of antiseptics intended for external use should stay external.

Do to youself the practice of physician. If you have a great personal journey, so much the better. Doctors have their place and at a minimum they make great co-pilots. Unless you have divining wisdom I would run any non FDA approved drug past two doctors first. Colloidal silver pisses me off for several reasons. 1. It is a scam, whether it works or not, ingest 1000mcg of colloidal silver and none of the silver excreted is the colloidal silver deemed inert since it is too big a molecule.


I take 5ml twice a day. I dont mix it with anything, as adding saline will change the compounds in the ionic silver solution. I bought a silver lungs generator a while back, the machine was a little expensive but I can now make it by the jug for less than a buck. All I need to buy is distilled water.


New member
Over a year and a half of regular use I have found that ionic silver is not as effective as nano-partical true colloidal silver when it is inhaled into the lungs via a nebulizer. I'm a 61 year old male who doesn't have CF but have lungs that are 'functionally the same' as CF due to an immune problem, which my system yielded to pneumonia dozens and dozens of times since I was 8 years old. Part of one lung was removed at age 14 due to infection. On/off antibiotics routine my whole life, as many as 20 10 day rounds in a year, rotating 3 or 4 different ones. Severe Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, COPD. The dreaded Pseudomonas aeruginosa in my lungs. At age 41 I was told I had 1-5 years to live unless I got a lung transplant, but I wasn't a good candidate due to my immune problem and prior lung surgery. I told them I wasn't a statistic and they were fired. I've been taking immune serum by IV every two weeks for 25 years to try to boost my immune system, yet I was still playing the antibiotic game and they were becoming less and less effective. Due to lung deterioration I went on oxygen at night in 2001 and then 24/7 in 2006. But by God I'm still here! After doing a lot of research on Colloidal Silver I decided on June 11, 2012 to go to the health food store instead of the pharmacy. I had just left the Dr.'s office with a Rx to refill for Levaquin but I just didn't want to do it any more. It wasn't solving the problem. I bought a bottle of Colloidal Silver that cost $30 for an 8 oz. bottle with a local brand name. I put 6cc (1 1/5 teaspoon) in my nebulizer cup and breathed it in. I did it 3 or 4 times the first 3 or 4 days. By the end of the second day I had already seen marked improvement. Within a few days my lungs were more clear than they had been in months. Today, 1/3/2014 I am 571 days antibiotic FREE. After a year and a half I also decided to suspend taking the semi-weekly immune IV in August 2013. That's the first time I haven't gotten it in 25 years! (Before anyone starts posting about the 'Blue Man' I average just over one 8 oz. bottle of Colloidal Silver a month. There is a formula you can use to determine a safe level based on EPA standards. One or two 6cc doses a day is well under the dose to cause any blue problems (argyria). In addition, he (Paul Karason) was not using pure Colloidal Silver. He was making his own and added salt to speed up the batch process, which means he was making silver chloride, not pure colloidal silver. And he was drinking a quart a day and rubbing it on his skin for YEARS!) I use the nebulizer mist and inhale in through my mouth but also through my nostrils and over my face where I tend to touch my face with my hands. I've only had one or two colds during this entire time (unheard of!) so I boosted my dosage to double it for a few days. When I feel an infection trying to start up I also sip an ounce (in 3 separate sips, that is I sip 1/3 oz. 3 times) and hold it under my tongue for several minutes each time and swish it around my mouth then swallow. When I'm clear I stop taking it altogether. More and more recently I am able to go for days without taking any silver. Of course with severely damaged lungs there's still a small collection of mucus, but it's relatively tiny and it is pure white 'spit' not heavy dark mucus. In other words pretty normal lung secretion. I can live with that. My lungs have never been better. My nasal passages are clear most of the time. I don't even have to blow my nose in the mornings and barely once a day now. I'm sure all of you know what your sinuses are like when you have an ongoing infection. Most of you have a nebulizer. Get a bottle and try it. Brigham's Law: If it can't hurt and it might help, you have to do it. You can go to a local store and buy a bottle at top dollar like I did to try it, but after doing a lot of research and shopping I've been buying it from First time customers get %50 off so you can get an 8 oz. bottle for about $12 bucks plus shipping. I just bought a gallon on sale for $110, which averages out to just under $9 per 8 oz. bottle. (I don't get anything for plugging them.) Be sure you're buying Colloidal Silver not Ionic Silver. I've tried both. It's my experience that the Silver Ion 'colloidal silver' is not as effective as the nano-partical colloidal silver.