I am 10 miles away from the fire, I live in Fort Collins. I'm trying my best to stay inside and run the AC for some filtering, but I'm having massive headaches. I do have to leave the house for school the next several days, and I'm worried. The smoke has been shifting around, sometimes it's more north and sometimes more south. But being 10 miles away, it doesn't make a difference for me.
My son and I volunteered at the Humane Society since they are getting such an influx of animals. I did sign up to help out at the Ranch with the larger animals the first night, but had to cancel by the second night as the fire was just getting worse and I knew I couldn't work outside, shoveling poop, carrying hay, and being around a bunch of animals that have smoke on them. I was really sad I backed out of something I said I would do, but I'm just trying to remember it was the best thing for me.