TO BCongratulations on meeting and enjoying time with the love of your life, and my sincerest condolences on losing him. I have also met the love of my life, he worries about cf. Every now and then I notice he has looked up info of cf on the web. I keep telling him all that he reads is not me, but I can tell he thinks I am just trying to make it sound better. He works as a pearl diver and I tell him that it is similar to cf in a couple of ways - it's bone depleting, bad for your lungs and one day you may catch something/ be stung by a box jellyfish or taken by a shark, just as I may get that final lung infection to end all lung infections, but he CHOOSES to do it - for the money. Since we've been together he's quit most of his diving and now skippers a boat most of the time instead, same pay almost. So some things can come out of having cf that are positive - Making others realise how precious life is, and to enjoy every day.I am sure a lot of you have similar experiences. My cf doc maintains that we must have a behavioural characteristic affected by our gene abnormality - an ability to look at the lighter side of life and enjoy every day as it comes. Apparently we really know how to party, too....One of my favourite quotes for all - Live every day as if it is your last because one day it will be. That's not supposed to be a depressing thought!!!! And it really annoys people who whinge about all the little things in life as an occupation.I hope this helps the lady with the cf boyfriend - Don't let a little cellular difference prevent you from enjoying the man behind the illness.