Complications with purcussion treatments


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HelloI am a 26 year old with CF. I work full time as a Pre-K teacher. I love my job.Over the last year or so I have had a lot of problems with my lungs. It started with a Nebulizer and steroids, and now I have to use O2 most nights. I am on a list of meds and was in the hospital last week for the first time sence I was 4years old.I started purcussion treatments with the help of friends about a month ago, and I receved the vest about 2 weeks ago.I would like some feed back on the following.i started on mucomist before my beatings. After about 5 minutes of beatings I would start caughing and gaging so much I could'nt breath and most of the time I would pass out. This caughing thing could last up to 45 minutes. This left me to exausted to do anything but sleep. During my hospital stay the Palmunaligest observed this when he only used half of the mucomist. Before I went to the hospital I started to have sezures about half the time following the passing out. I don't remember anything emediatly before, and for about 3 hours after one of these sezures. I would be even more exausted than ever. When I went home I was instructed not to use any mucomist untill I saw my Dr about 4 days later. When I went into the Dr He said my lungs sounded worse. He started me back on 1ml (I started out using 4ml). It is going a little better. I start caughing after about 7 minutes on the vest, and I can still function after. I am not gaging much either. The Dr eventually wants me to go from one beating on a low setting to 4+ beatings on a high setting, and 1ml of muco mist back up to 4 ml. He said we can take this slowly. This has all scared me and the friends that are always there to help me.Please give me some feed back.Thanks, Trish


New member
Hi Trish, I have never used mucomist itself before, but to an outsider it almost sounds like you are having a reaction to it. Especially when you said its better now that you are using less of it. You may want to discuss this with your doctor further.


New member
Maybe you could ask about Pulmozyme instead of Mucomyst. Pulmozyme also thins the mucus so you can cough it out. My daughter was on mucomyst for a short period whan she was first diagnosed but it didn't make any difference at all. She is on pulmozyme now and when she gets sick it is really good for helping to bring up the mucus. Were you never on percussion treatments before this? We do them 2x a day when Rachel is well and 4x daily when she is sick. We do not go a full day without a treatment ever. I hope this helps. Andrea


New member
Yes, you are having a reaction to it! I'm not familiar with Mucomist... but have you tried hypertonic saline and Pulmozyme? The Pulmozyme actually breaks down the DNA of mucus, and the saline helps moisten things up and move out eaisly. Also, your DR is there to lead you in the right direction about your therapy, but ultimatly you have to do what is going to work for you. Have you learned Autogenic Drainage? It is another form of airway clearance (it doesn't relpace "beatings" but it's a good alternative) and you can do it by yourself, even during your breaks at work. I also use a flutter valve. Find the combination that works for you. It doesn't do any good to have a therapy plan that you just can't bring yourself to do. Hope these ideas help.Debbie