

New member
Like many of us, I thoughout my life has always not been the best at complying to doctors wants, like doing your treatments. It wasn't until lately when I got pretty sick that I finally realized why I should do everything. It's not just for my own sake but I figured many other reasons. For one, I really should be greatful that I live in a country whose government pays for most of my medication (canada), and when I go through my cubbord and throw away litterally thousands of dollars of expired medication it's wrong. I should be greatful that I live in a place that will pay for it for me there are so many children out there who have it much worse than I do, someone who needed it could have had that medication that I threw away. As a teen I took advantage of a lot of things. I'm greatful that I have so many doctors who put their lives aside and decide to work in canada even though I know the pay and such is bad cause a lot of them are leaving. But they decide to stay because even though I don't do everything I can to stop me from dying they help me out, they stuck with me throughout my whole life trying and trying to keep my alive, and then all the reachers the faceless nameless people who are total strangers who are still determined to keep us alive, not even knowing our names or our stories. There are so many people out there trying to make our lives a little bit better, trying to give us the things that we would otherwise not have. It's a pain for us to take hours out of our day to do all our stuff, but these people devote their whole lives to trying to help us when they could be doing something else. All the nights the you spend up coughing all night, think of the nights that they sit up at night toiling over their next step in research, how they could possibily save our lives for maybe another year. And then I think of all the children in the world who don't have it as good as I do, the ones in some country who still die at birth from a disease that is treatable because they just don't have the dedicated doctors that I do. For as big of jerks you think they are for trying to push you into doing something you don't want to, you should at least be greatful that they try and not just kick you out. After all the spend their lives trying to help you, trying to keep you alive as long as possible, when you tell them your not going to do it, really it's a slap to the face for them, you're telling them (in a way) that you don't appreciate or care about all the things they are trying to do for you. So the next time you tell them that you don't wanna do your treatments cause you'd rather have a social life or do something else, think of it this way, I'm sure they'd rather be doing something else too, they'd rather be off with a social life as well. There are plenty of things that they could be doing other than sitting there with you time after time again, but their not, they're determined to keep you alive even if you're not.

Ashley 20 w/cf


New member
Yeah, that's a very good point! =-) That's one of the things that keeps me going, anyway. So many people have sacrificed so much to keep me (and not just CFers and general, but specifically me) alive until this point, the least I can do is keep trying.

22 w/cf