confused family


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<b>Text</b> we were reciently told our 15 yr old daught could have CF, she still has alot of test to do, and we know nothing about CF ! i would like to know if this could effect her kidneys or her bladder, that is the reason we started seeing the doctor. we know verry little bout this, and would be verry happy for any information that you could give us... please e-mail


New member
Hi ! I know how sad and lost you are feeling now. I found it hard to read about the young CF patients, brought me to tears.Let me tell you about a young five year old moving from Rockford, to Tucson, Arizona in 1943, because of breathing and lungs. They didn't know about CF . I was in the hospital twice 1944 & 1945 . In January , 2004 I was tested and positve for CF. I am 66 and still can do most everything I need to get done. Yea I have problems and yes furture is unclear. But there is a future . Here in South Dakata I am the second oldest at 66, oldest is a woman 72.Let your daughter do all she can, be what she wants, don't try to protect, encourage; direct her toward the positive, don't sweat the small stuff it is all small in the end. I have a full life. I am Marring for the fourth Time to a wonder of a caring woman.I have been a pilot, law officer, correctional officer for the U.S. Gov't, hike, bike, wlk, think, love, laughtand have a normal life.Yes there were bumps in health, got through it. I know at my age now I'll have more to do, to keep actitive. go to gym and walk everyday 30-45minute.more meds ,more down time.But I like to fish and camp so thats what we'll be doing all summer, out in the boat and camper living.I wish you all the best God blessing , he is always with you ;as been with me.Love and Laught<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">Thomas


New member
The main systems CF affects is the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems. My son is 2 w/cf and hasn't had any bladder or kidney problems. They will probably do what is called a "sweat test" on your daughter to confirm if she has cf or not. Best of luck to you.Jodi, mom of Tucker w/cf


New member
WOW.......Well Sir, you have given me hope! Today is my first visit to this web page. My daughter, Emma was diagnosed Monday March 24/97 (she was 7 1/2 months) and I am just being able to get out there and share my stories and speak with others about CF. I am a single Mom and find it difficult at times.....Reading your story, although I am saddened with your diagnosis....I am completely relieved with what age you have become, having CF and living so long without specific treatments to fight off infection and sustain life with medications and therapy. You are amazing...I thank you for sharing your story with the other family and I'm glad today was the day I picked to read it.God BlessWarm regards,Lynn...Nova Scotia, Canada(<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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Hey Lynn in Nova Scotia, have relatives there and friends. You are the first other Canadian I've read , I just started reading this sight as well. My four year old daughter has CF, and I also have a three year old son w/CF. I am a single mother ( by choice) but still find it hard sometimes as well. In fact, I just spent min of 12 hours in all three hospitals in Sudbury, Ontario. Fun wow!!! So I can asume your daughter Emma (beautiful name) is about 7 or 8 years? Anyway, just thought I'd say Hi, feel free to e-mail or msg.Take care, good luck, and nice to see I'm not alone in CanadaNicky


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Hi my name is Jamie. My son Connor (5 months) has cf, and I'am trying to talk with other people who's knows a little bit about cf. Or where I can find some different info. I so very new at this and everything seems so hard. So if anyone can help please do!!Thank you!AARONUL401@AOL Charlestown, In