Hello Havoc. My doctor and my nutritionist says that I have to consume a diet low in fat. But in some articules in internet.
I found the contrary. This articles are wrote by cf specialist.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/ency/article/002437.htm
This site is in spanish. they recomend to consume a diet high in calories and follow a high protein diet.
My nutritionist says the contrary. A die low in fat, and meat.
In this site recommend to consume use shrimp, crab meat,and shrimp, crab meat,. Those ingredientes or foods are high in fat.
My nutritionist says that I have to consume a severall small meals, and low in meat. My doctor says that I have to consume more carbohydrates.
One doctor specialis in cf says that
Overall the diet should be as possible, without dietary restrictions except diabetes mellitus associated with high-fat (100 grams per day or what is the same for more than 35% of total calories, as much saturated fat as unsaturated), supplemented with pancreatic enzyme synthesis or pigs, vitaminoprofilaxis and mineral supplements.
The doctors say there should not be a restriction of fat.