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Hi, my son is 3 and has had a clear runny nose since December. He goes to clinic in a town two hours away every 3 months. His last visit was in March and he had lost weight due to the sinus problems. We didn't know if it was because he had started preschool or what was going on. Recently, he was referred to an ENT doctor, and what a jerk. As soon has he found out our child had CF, he started using phrases like "buying him time" and pretty much said that this was just how things were going to be for us. We are now in the process of going to a pediatric ENT in the town two hours away but it will be awhile before we get there. The bad ENT gave him Nasonex. We are using that and saline drops. We also do vest, hypertonic saline, and pulmozyme. We tried to due nasal rinses, but it seriously scared him too badly. It just didn't work for him. Please help and give advice. What can I do to help my child? When he is on antibiotics, the runny nose goes away, but he is not culturing anything. He feels too bad to eat and is losing wait. he is extremely irritable. I pray the ENT can help us so much, but what can we do to help his nose stop running? It is now a cough and it has never gotten down that deep before. Thanks in advance, rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 3 years old, DDF508