Constipation and Enzymes


New member
Hi Guys,

I am doing great, miss being on the boards so much but I am so happy to be back at work.... I love my job, though I am really, really, tired and I am putting myself to bed by 9 pm ...and it is hard to stay up that late.... My social life will improve when I get on my regular work schedule which will be 4-midnight...


Question, I as everyone in the world, second world and third world knows.. I just had major colon resection repair.... I have tried to adjust my enzymes.. but mostly my question is....

Can not taking enough enzymes or skipping a dose of enzymes cause constipation? I didn't think it could but now I am starting to wonder???? It could be just that my whole schedule is off but I am afraid of getting an obstuction because of the CF and all the surgery I just had...but I have been really, bad about my enzyme intake the last three or four days

Thanks For the Help



New member
Hi Guys,

I am doing great, miss being on the boards so much but I am so happy to be back at work.... I love my job, though I am really, really, tired and I am putting myself to bed by 9 pm ...and it is hard to stay up that late.... My social life will improve when I get on my regular work schedule which will be 4-midnight...


Question, I as everyone in the world, second world and third world knows.. I just had major colon resection repair.... I have tried to adjust my enzymes.. but mostly my question is....

Can not taking enough enzymes or skipping a dose of enzymes cause constipation? I didn't think it could but now I am starting to wonder???? It could be just that my whole schedule is off but I am afraid of getting an obstuction because of the CF and all the surgery I just had...but I have been really, bad about my enzyme intake the last three or four days

Thanks For the Help



New member
Hi Guys,

I am doing great, miss being on the boards so much but I am so happy to be back at work.... I love my job, though I am really, really, tired and I am putting myself to bed by 9 pm ...and it is hard to stay up that late.... My social life will improve when I get on my regular work schedule which will be 4-midnight...


Question, I as everyone in the world, second world and third world knows.. I just had major colon resection repair.... I have tried to adjust my enzymes.. but mostly my question is....

Can not taking enough enzymes or skipping a dose of enzymes cause constipation? I didn't think it could but now I am starting to wonder???? It could be just that my whole schedule is off but I am afraid of getting an obstuction because of the CF and all the surgery I just had...but I have been really, bad about my enzyme intake the last three or four days

Thanks For the Help



New member
Yes, I think it can go either way, I know taking too many emzymes normaly makes me constipated and not taking enough gives me the runs, but it seems to go reverse sometimes, dont know for sure thoe.


New member
Yes, I think it can go either way, I know taking too many emzymes normaly makes me constipated and not taking enough gives me the runs, but it seems to go reverse sometimes, dont know for sure thoe.


New member
Yes, I think it can go either way, I know taking too many emzymes normaly makes me constipated and not taking enough gives me the runs, but it seems to go reverse sometimes, dont know for sure thoe.


Staff member
There is something called a meconium equivilant -- still continue to stool, sometimes have loose stools, yet have it backed up in the colon.

When DS was a few months old we were still trying to get his enzymes figured out -- frequent loose stools, yet he was constipated and needed a little extra help - -milk of mag. Way it was explained was the sticky poo, similar to what caused his bowel obstruction as a new born with Meconium illeus, was causing problems with "lots of stool in his colon". His doctor explained that some of his patients just get a feeling and take milk of mag, some need more help in the form of miralax -- mentioned that even mucomyst ??? was used in the past. Also mentioned when we were dealing with no poo -- really bad constipation after switching from formula to whole milk that ones first reaction would be to reduce enzymes, which might help at first, but could cause problems in the long run --- sticky poo again.

Guess it's just a matter of getting to know your body again after the surger and that you're concerned that it'll happen again. Don't mean to sound glib. Hopefully there are others who've been thru this who can offer advice. I know for the first year after DS's birth and bowel obstruction surgery, I worried constantly if he spit up, wasn't eating and trying to figure if he'd pooped recently.


Staff member
There is something called a meconium equivilant -- still continue to stool, sometimes have loose stools, yet have it backed up in the colon.

When DS was a few months old we were still trying to get his enzymes figured out -- frequent loose stools, yet he was constipated and needed a little extra help - -milk of mag. Way it was explained was the sticky poo, similar to what caused his bowel obstruction as a new born with Meconium illeus, was causing problems with "lots of stool in his colon". His doctor explained that some of his patients just get a feeling and take milk of mag, some need more help in the form of miralax -- mentioned that even mucomyst ??? was used in the past. Also mentioned when we were dealing with no poo -- really bad constipation after switching from formula to whole milk that ones first reaction would be to reduce enzymes, which might help at first, but could cause problems in the long run --- sticky poo again.

Guess it's just a matter of getting to know your body again after the surger and that you're concerned that it'll happen again. Don't mean to sound glib. Hopefully there are others who've been thru this who can offer advice. I know for the first year after DS's birth and bowel obstruction surgery, I worried constantly if he spit up, wasn't eating and trying to figure if he'd pooped recently.


Staff member
There is something called a meconium equivilant -- still continue to stool, sometimes have loose stools, yet have it backed up in the colon.

When DS was a few months old we were still trying to get his enzymes figured out -- frequent loose stools, yet he was constipated and needed a little extra help - -milk of mag. Way it was explained was the sticky poo, similar to what caused his bowel obstruction as a new born with Meconium illeus, was causing problems with "lots of stool in his colon". His doctor explained that some of his patients just get a feeling and take milk of mag, some need more help in the form of miralax -- mentioned that even mucomyst ??? was used in the past. Also mentioned when we were dealing with no poo -- really bad constipation after switching from formula to whole milk that ones first reaction would be to reduce enzymes, which might help at first, but could cause problems in the long run --- sticky poo again.

Guess it's just a matter of getting to know your body again after the surger and that you're concerned that it'll happen again. Don't mean to sound glib. Hopefully there are others who've been thru this who can offer advice. I know for the first year after DS's birth and bowel obstruction surgery, I worried constantly if he spit up, wasn't eating and trying to figure if he'd pooped recently.


New member
Oh for me, absolutely! Thats how you get blockages. Sometimes for me even if I miss one dose I am backed up for days.
Oh I hope you feel ok-take those enzymes. Are you having a hard time taking pills or keeping them down?


New member
Oh for me, absolutely! Thats how you get blockages. Sometimes for me even if I miss one dose I am backed up for days.
Oh I hope you feel ok-take those enzymes. Are you having a hard time taking pills or keeping them down?


New member
Oh for me, absolutely! Thats how you get blockages. Sometimes for me even if I miss one dose I am backed up for days.
Oh I hope you feel ok-take those enzymes. Are you having a hard time taking pills or keeping them down?