Well, I haven't had bad constipation before, but I have had really bad gas pains (abdominal adhesions from surgery), and they are similar if they are in the same spot, but the labor pains last a lot longer!!! and cover a bigger area. I only had labor pains in my lower abdomen, and thought I was constipated when I went into labor early <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">, but they got a lot worse, and regular in frequency, so we called the doctor. 5 hrs later, baby girl.
I thought I only got the labor pains low because of my numerous surgeries, but my sister only had contraction pains there too (she was sick with a stomach flu and caused contrations in her 3rd trimester- her babies were both late C-sections).
I had a mild pain med after they said it would be a good while before my epidural- turned out it wasn't that long, but it did help me relax through the birth and sleep afterwards- which was good, because I couldn't go to the NICU until after my epidural wore off- made the time go faster <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .
I thought I only got the labor pains low because of my numerous surgeries, but my sister only had contraction pains there too (she was sick with a stomach flu and caused contrations in her 3rd trimester- her babies were both late C-sections).
I had a mild pain med after they said it would be a good while before my epidural- turned out it wasn't that long, but it did help me relax through the birth and sleep afterwards- which was good, because I couldn't go to the NICU until after my epidural wore off- made the time go faster <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .