Constipation Pain versus Labor Pain


New member
Well, I haven't had bad constipation before, but I have had really bad gas pains (abdominal adhesions from surgery), and they are similar if they are in the same spot, but the labor pains last a lot longer!!! and cover a bigger area. I only had labor pains in my lower abdomen, and thought I was constipated when I went into labor early <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">, but they got a lot worse, and regular in frequency, so we called the doctor. 5 hrs later, baby girl.

I thought I only got the labor pains low because of my numerous surgeries, but my sister only had contraction pains there too (she was sick with a stomach flu and caused contrations in her 3rd trimester- her babies were both late C-sections).

I had a mild pain med after they said it would be a good while before my epidural- turned out it wasn't that long, but it did help me relax through the birth and sleep afterwards- which was good, because I couldn't go to the NICU until after my epidural wore off- made the time go faster <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
One c-section and 2 vaginal births, I can tell you that early labor pains can feel exactly like gas or constipation, but the later pain of labor has nooooo comparison. Those contractions get stronger,longer, and larger. There is no rest between and no mercy until it is finished. If there was gas or constipation pain that great I would think your guts would explode!!!!


New member
One c-section and 2 vaginal births, I can tell you that early labor pains can feel exactly like gas or constipation, but the later pain of labor has nooooo comparison. Those contractions get stronger,longer, and larger. There is no rest between and no mercy until it is finished. If there was gas or constipation pain that great I would think your guts would explode!!!!


New member
One c-section and 2 vaginal births, I can tell you that early labor pains can feel exactly like gas or constipation, but the later pain of labor has nooooo comparison. Those contractions get stronger,longer, and larger. There is no rest between and no mercy until it is finished. If there was gas or constipation pain that great I would think your guts would explode!!!!


New member
Samsmom, Did you have pitocin? You mention having no rest between contractions. I'm wondering how common this is if there's no pitocin involved.


New member
Samsmom, Did you have pitocin? You mention having no rest between contractions. I'm wondering how common this is if there's no pitocin involved.


New member
Samsmom, Did you have pitocin? You mention having no rest between contractions. I'm wondering how common this is if there's no pitocin involved.


New member
I did not have pitocin with my second delivery (first vaginal), but I did have it with my third delivery (second vaginal). Honestly I didn't notice much difference, but that might be because I labor reallllly fast. My first was an emergency c-section because she was folded in half breech and the labor was going so fast there was no time to turn her. My second labor lasted all of about 3 hours from start to finish and I pushed for 7 minutes. The third one was a scheduled induction to make sure I got to the hospital in time, which I almost didn't anyway because on the morning of the induction I woke up in labor, went to the hospital and had a baby in my arms 2 hours later. I have heard that pitocin causes stronger contractions but mine with and without were very fast and furious. Typically contractions do have a rest period inbetween them if you call 2 or 3 minutes a reas period, I think I am just an exception to that one!!!!


New member
I did not have pitocin with my second delivery (first vaginal), but I did have it with my third delivery (second vaginal). Honestly I didn't notice much difference, but that might be because I labor reallllly fast. My first was an emergency c-section because she was folded in half breech and the labor was going so fast there was no time to turn her. My second labor lasted all of about 3 hours from start to finish and I pushed for 7 minutes. The third one was a scheduled induction to make sure I got to the hospital in time, which I almost didn't anyway because on the morning of the induction I woke up in labor, went to the hospital and had a baby in my arms 2 hours later. I have heard that pitocin causes stronger contractions but mine with and without were very fast and furious. Typically contractions do have a rest period inbetween them if you call 2 or 3 minutes a reas period, I think I am just an exception to that one!!!!


New member
I did not have pitocin with my second delivery (first vaginal), but I did have it with my third delivery (second vaginal). Honestly I didn't notice much difference, but that might be because I labor reallllly fast. My first was an emergency c-section because she was folded in half breech and the labor was going so fast there was no time to turn her. My second labor lasted all of about 3 hours from start to finish and I pushed for 7 minutes. The third one was a scheduled induction to make sure I got to the hospital in time, which I almost didn't anyway because on the morning of the induction I woke up in labor, went to the hospital and had a baby in my arms 2 hours later. I have heard that pitocin causes stronger contractions but mine with and without were very fast and furious. Typically contractions do have a rest period inbetween them if you call 2 or 3 minutes a reas period, I think I am just an exception to that one!!!!