Constipation Question????


New member
In the last month or so my 2 year old (soon to be 3 year old) has started having constipation issues. He may be regular for 3-4 days and then gets so constipated. His doctor has prescribed Miralax for him to take daily. But I just hate the thought of him having to be on meds to keep him regular. I really don't understand why he has all the sudden developed this problem. We used to battle the problem of him going to much and now its the complete opposite. Does anyone have any better ideas to keep him regular or does anyone have any natural products that can be used? I visited our local health food store and he was not too helpful. I just don't want his system to get used to having the Miralax and get to the point where he can't go without it...but I also cant stand to see him constipated. Thanks


New member
In the last month or so my 2 year old (soon to be 3 year old) has started having constipation issues. He may be regular for 3-4 days and then gets so constipated. His doctor has prescribed Miralax for him to take daily. But I just hate the thought of him having to be on meds to keep him regular. I really don't understand why he has all the sudden developed this problem. We used to battle the problem of him going to much and now its the complete opposite. Does anyone have any better ideas to keep him regular or does anyone have any natural products that can be used? I visited our local health food store and he was not too helpful. I just don't want his system to get used to having the Miralax and get to the point where he can't go without it...but I also cant stand to see him constipated. Thanks


New member
In the last month or so my 2 year old (soon to be 3 year old) has started having constipation issues. He may be regular for 3-4 days and then gets so constipated. His doctor has prescribed Miralax for him to take daily. But I just hate the thought of him having to be on meds to keep him regular. I really don't understand why he has all the sudden developed this problem. We used to battle the problem of him going to much and now its the complete opposite. Does anyone have any better ideas to keep him regular or does anyone have any natural products that can be used? I visited our local health food store and he was not too helpful. I just don't want his system to get used to having the Miralax and get to the point where he can't go without it...but I also cant stand to see him constipated. Thanks


New member
Oh my goodness Carrie! This sounds exactly like my son! I was just going to post about him. Over the past two or three weeks he has dealt with pretty bad constipation. Totally out of the blue, no major diet changes. Right now he is on Milk of Mag but I don't want him on that very long. His CF doc wants me to take him to his ped but I really don't think that will do a whole lot of good. I have an appointment next week but I really don't want to go. I just talked to his dietician and she suggested to increase his fiber intake if at all possible. Also she is going to talk with his doc to see if maybe his enzymes need adjusting. I don't really have any helpful info but just want you to know that I am in the same horrible boat with you right now!!!


New member
Oh my goodness Carrie! This sounds exactly like my son! I was just going to post about him. Over the past two or three weeks he has dealt with pretty bad constipation. Totally out of the blue, no major diet changes. Right now he is on Milk of Mag but I don't want him on that very long. His CF doc wants me to take him to his ped but I really don't think that will do a whole lot of good. I have an appointment next week but I really don't want to go. I just talked to his dietician and she suggested to increase his fiber intake if at all possible. Also she is going to talk with his doc to see if maybe his enzymes need adjusting. I don't really have any helpful info but just want you to know that I am in the same horrible boat with you right now!!!


New member
Oh my goodness Carrie! This sounds exactly like my son! I was just going to post about him. Over the past two or three weeks he has dealt with pretty bad constipation. Totally out of the blue, no major diet changes. Right now he is on Milk of Mag but I don't want him on that very long. His CF doc wants me to take him to his ped but I really don't think that will do a whole lot of good. I have an appointment next week but I really don't want to go. I just talked to his dietician and she suggested to increase his fiber intake if at all possible. Also she is going to talk with his doc to see if maybe his enzymes need adjusting. I don't really have any helpful info but just want you to know that I am in the same horrible boat with you right now!!!


My son 9 had this same problem around this age. Guess it must be common, but from my experience CF docs don't think so. We had to make a few trips to the ER for severe cramping and constipation. They would give him an ennema. I had to do themto his a couple of times, but they said not to do to frequently or there could become a dependence on them. I think now that prehaps the consipation could have some pshycological roots to it. The age of two is when they are starting to notice when they poop in their diapers and I would assume start being able to feel the sensation, so I am wondering if they are not trying to supress the urge or hold it....i'm no professional, but I have know friends of mine that their children w/o CF also had bouts of constipation around this same age. Only thing I know to do is push fluids and eat lots of whole wheat breads


My son 9 had this same problem around this age. Guess it must be common, but from my experience CF docs don't think so. We had to make a few trips to the ER for severe cramping and constipation. They would give him an ennema. I had to do themto his a couple of times, but they said not to do to frequently or there could become a dependence on them. I think now that prehaps the consipation could have some pshycological roots to it. The age of two is when they are starting to notice when they poop in their diapers and I would assume start being able to feel the sensation, so I am wondering if they are not trying to supress the urge or hold it....i'm no professional, but I have know friends of mine that their children w/o CF also had bouts of constipation around this same age. Only thing I know to do is push fluids and eat lots of whole wheat breads


My son 9 had this same problem around this age. Guess it must be common, but from my experience CF docs don't think so. We had to make a few trips to the ER for severe cramping and constipation. They would give him an ennema. I had to do themto his a couple of times, but they said not to do to frequently or there could become a dependence on them. I think now that prehaps the consipation could have some pshycological roots to it. The age of two is when they are starting to notice when they poop in their diapers and I would assume start being able to feel the sensation, so I am wondering if they are not trying to supress the urge or hold it....i'm no professional, but I have know friends of mine that their children w/o CF also had bouts of constipation around this same age. Only thing I know to do is push fluids and eat lots of whole wheat breads


New member son (just turned 3) is going through the EXACT same thing. Only...I KNOW what his stemmed from...about a month and a half ago we went on vacation and BOTH of my kids get constipated while traveling. Well...I think this made it hurt to finally "go" and now it's psychological. I worried and worried (his nurse told me to put him on Miralax daily...but like you...I truly don't want him dependent on it). FINALLY, it's slowly but surely getting better. I did reduce his enzymes by one (used to take him 5 unless he has a very large meal) and, although it may be a coincidence, it's worked. ??? I don't know. I'm really starting to think it's psychological. I give him a dose of Mirlax and once he finally "goes" I wait until the next night (at dinner) and if he hasn't gone by then, I give him another dose. He was on 2 doses a day b/c he had gone a VERY long time without a bm <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">(

GOOD LUCK! Email me if you'd


New member son (just turned 3) is going through the EXACT same thing. Only...I KNOW what his stemmed from...about a month and a half ago we went on vacation and BOTH of my kids get constipated while traveling. Well...I think this made it hurt to finally "go" and now it's psychological. I worried and worried (his nurse told me to put him on Miralax daily...but like you...I truly don't want him dependent on it). FINALLY, it's slowly but surely getting better. I did reduce his enzymes by one (used to take him 5 unless he has a very large meal) and, although it may be a coincidence, it's worked. ??? I don't know. I'm really starting to think it's psychological. I give him a dose of Mirlax and once he finally "goes" I wait until the next night (at dinner) and if he hasn't gone by then, I give him another dose. He was on 2 doses a day b/c he had gone a VERY long time without a bm <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">(

GOOD LUCK! Email me if you'd


New member son (just turned 3) is going through the EXACT same thing. Only...I KNOW what his stemmed from...about a month and a half ago we went on vacation and BOTH of my kids get constipated while traveling. Well...I think this made it hurt to finally "go" and now it's psychological. I worried and worried (his nurse told me to put him on Miralax daily...but like you...I truly don't want him dependent on it). FINALLY, it's slowly but surely getting better. I did reduce his enzymes by one (used to take him 5 unless he has a very large meal) and, although it may be a coincidence, it's worked. ??? I don't know. I'm really starting to think it's psychological. I give him a dose of Mirlax and once he finally "goes" I wait until the next night (at dinner) and if he hasn't gone by then, I give him another dose. He was on 2 doses a day b/c he had gone a VERY long time without a bm <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">(

GOOD LUCK! Email me if you'd


Staff member
We had more of an issue with this when DS was about 1 1/2 -- about the time we switched him totally off of formula. The preschool director's theory was that he was being a poop holder and looking back he was TERRIFIED at first when he'd be in the tub, suddenly have to poop and we'd set him on his potty chair. Horrified that THAT came out of his body.

When you start messing around with enzymes, it sometimes starts to become a vicious cycle. One would think it would be a good idea to reduce enzymes, and depending upon how much they eat, sometimes it is; however, there are other times when it can be something called a meconium equivilant. Sticky poo backed up in the colon, but sometimes they're still pooping. That's when we get out the milk of mag to get him cleaned out.

Drives me nuts because there really isn't a scientific formula. When they're older they can at least tell you that they feel constipated and need a little help.


Staff member
We had more of an issue with this when DS was about 1 1/2 -- about the time we switched him totally off of formula. The preschool director's theory was that he was being a poop holder and looking back he was TERRIFIED at first when he'd be in the tub, suddenly have to poop and we'd set him on his potty chair. Horrified that THAT came out of his body.

When you start messing around with enzymes, it sometimes starts to become a vicious cycle. One would think it would be a good idea to reduce enzymes, and depending upon how much they eat, sometimes it is; however, there are other times when it can be something called a meconium equivilant. Sticky poo backed up in the colon, but sometimes they're still pooping. That's when we get out the milk of mag to get him cleaned out.

Drives me nuts because there really isn't a scientific formula. When they're older they can at least tell you that they feel constipated and need a little help.


Staff member
We had more of an issue with this when DS was about 1 1/2 -- about the time we switched him totally off of formula. The preschool director's theory was that he was being a poop holder and looking back he was TERRIFIED at first when he'd be in the tub, suddenly have to poop and we'd set him on his potty chair. Horrified that THAT came out of his body.

When you start messing around with enzymes, it sometimes starts to become a vicious cycle. One would think it would be a good idea to reduce enzymes, and depending upon how much they eat, sometimes it is; however, there are other times when it can be something called a meconium equivilant. Sticky poo backed up in the colon, but sometimes they're still pooping. That's when we get out the milk of mag to get him cleaned out.

Drives me nuts because there really isn't a scientific formula. When they're older they can at least tell you that they feel constipated and need a little help.


New member
I never really had a major problem with my son. If he couldn't go, I'd just give him a snack (like potato chipis) and not give him his full dosage of emzymes. Our CF doctor told us they do not eat the same amount of food every meal, so it is understandable the amount of emzymes needed will change.
I guess the way they go too much when they don't have enough enzymes. They would get clogged if they had too much for a particular meal(s)


New member
I never really had a major problem with my son. If he couldn't go, I'd just give him a snack (like potato chipis) and not give him his full dosage of emzymes. Our CF doctor told us they do not eat the same amount of food every meal, so it is understandable the amount of emzymes needed will change.
I guess the way they go too much when they don't have enough enzymes. They would get clogged if they had too much for a particular meal(s)


New member
I never really had a major problem with my son. If he couldn't go, I'd just give him a snack (like potato chipis) and not give him his full dosage of emzymes. Our CF doctor told us they do not eat the same amount of food every meal, so it is understandable the amount of emzymes needed will change.
I guess the way they go too much when they don't have enough enzymes. They would get clogged if they had too much for a particular meal(s)


New member
My niece was diagnosed at birth 5 years ago and was put on Mineral Oil daily after she had 2 bouts with Rectal Prolaps.... 1/4 to t/2 teaspoon. Now she is on Miralax and still doesn't have a problem going. She gets a little crampy before she "goes" but then it all works out. Ask your doctor about Mineral Oil.

Lori - Aunt to cf/child


New member
My niece was diagnosed at birth 5 years ago and was put on Mineral Oil daily after she had 2 bouts with Rectal Prolaps.... 1/4 to t/2 teaspoon. Now she is on Miralax and still doesn't have a problem going. She gets a little crampy before she "goes" but then it all works out. Ask your doctor about Mineral Oil.

Lori - Aunt to cf/child