This is just a thought, based on what I have been trying to resolve for the last two years and possibly three or four years. What is the status of DS's appendix? When I took a turn for the worse it began with epic nausea and increased pain seemingly manifested in the upper right abdomen.
This year has been worse but it finally settled in the lower right abdomen with referred pain in the lower right region of the back, directly behind the area of the appendix. Following up with my GI doctor CTs of the abdomen and pelvis revealed no change, and certainly no evidence of acute appendicitis. The symptoms are too similar to appendicitis which sent my wife and me on a medical literature search.
Statistically we don't have acute appendicitis, with the average population at 7% and the CF community somewhere around 1%. Our literature search hit paydirt. For openers, recent studies establish that the appendix isn't the worthless vestige previously believed, rather a little safe for our probiotic gut flora. CFers don't get any benefit because the lumen or small opening into the appendix is sealed shut with our famous gooey mucus.
The lining of the appendix has mucus producing cells that keep adding mucus that desiccates and makes the appendiceal wall resemble a pressure vessel in function but not often seen in a CT scan. Our literature review came up with a 2005-7 article in GUT describing the "diagnostic challenge" with appendicitis and CF.
It turns out we all have chronic appendicitis, almost. In autopsy of 51 CF patients showed 49 with appendicitis, that's 97% of us. Rather than blowing up with infection, the appendix turns into a very hard, and often painful condition. The symptoms of amplified nausea and bowel dysfunction are common with appendicitis. What drew me to this end, no pun intended, was the worst constipation in my 69 years.
I've been put on drastic medications for constipation and I have a date with a surgeon to remove it soon. It's astonishing to me that CF doctors are not informed of this problem. Add chronic appendicitis to your list of things to watch for when DS has constipation and diarrhea along with eating aversion.
Just a thought,