Cough question


New member
My daughter recently had an endoscopy done. Anesthesiology told me "she had more respiratory secretions than we normally see, typically we see it if someone has a cold" According to her GI doc they "suctioned a great big blob out during extubation and said she should feel some relief now" I did ask anesthesiology if they could culture any secretions they encountered, they said that is not something they do. :( She has had this chronic, productive, daily cough since this past October. Last Friday she had tubes put in both her ears d/t failing her hearing test, large amount of fluid behind her ears and 6 ear infections since September. The doc who put the tubes in said not to expect it to help with her cough. HOWEVER, we are 6 days out from surgery and this is the first day since the cough started that I have not heard it :)!! Meanwhile her GI doc is sending us for a second opinion at CHOP to revisit a possible CF diagnosis.

Current dx: FTT, poor weight gain, rectal prolapse, abnormal thyroid studies- being further investigated as possible pituitary/ adrenal involvement, chronic constipation, possible PFO, known carrier of delF508 (Ambry full screen showed no other mutations).

She had three sweat tests at accredited care centers, first was negative, second they did not get enough sweat, and third they were only able to get enough sweat from one arm and it was negative.

My questions are:
1.) How common is it for someone to have ear related issues with CF?
2.) If ear issues are common, once they are treated do you notice reduced cough?
3.) Does everyone with CF have a cough?
4.) If you have a cough, is it every day or do you have days/weeks/months without a cough?
5.) If your cough does disappear is it spontaneous or only after treatment?

Any input is appreciated. Thanks so very much


New member
I can answer 3, 4 , and 5.
No, not everyone with CF has a cough. I didnt as a child, unless I was in the midst of an exacerbation.
If you do tend to have a cough, it can take a break, especially seasonally.
I have had coughs dissappear after treatment AND spontaneously as my immune system got down to business.

Sorry I dont know much about the ear issues, never had them.


Staff member
DS had a few sinus and ear infections as a baby and was put on oral antibiotics. He's on prophylactic oral antibiotics, so I suspect that kept the infections at bay for the most part. Some CFers tend to have a lot of sinus issues due to the extra thick sticky mucus. DS' sinus ct scan and scope indicated typical cf sinus disease; however, his issues have been manageable with a steroid nasal spray. Sinuses, eustacian tubes, ears, throat are all interrelated to a certain extent. A friend of mine's daughter has a had a few sinus surgeries, as well as having her tonsils and adenoids removed and she too had ear infections. Not sure if it's cf related or caused by issues from the tonsils...

DS' baseline is no cough. People wcf are born with normal lungs so over time with infections, eventually lungs are affected. We did have a doctor try to tell us when he was 3 weeks old that "they cough (people wcf), it's what they do"; however, ds had a horrible chesty cough and was later diagnosed by his cf doctor in the City with bronchitis and culturing a bug common in NICUs. When he does cough, usually means something is going on. --- is it from post nasal drip, a chesty/bronchial cough, dry throat clearing (again was culturing something new).


New member
Ear problem is not common .some people suffer sinus. Tobramycin can cause ringing ineae

Cough is main problem wih need to clen chest once or twice daily by 3% saline dnase using nebulzers

Cough will never dissappear..u produce more coughf when u have strong infection..
U should ask your doctor how to clean lungs ,buy acepella choice device and learn to use it.learn how to clean lungs to avoid suffocation ..there are techniques like acbt, and autogenic drainge..keep lungs healty.