Coughing and Exercice


New member
Hi Everyone,

I have recently started an exercice program. Normally after each session, I start coughing bringing up more mucus than I have ever done so in the past. However, the coughing continues for the rest of the day. It is highly unlikely that I am starting another infection given that I have just recently come off treatment. In addition, the mucus is a whitish color.

Does anyone else experience this?



New member
This will decrease with time as you get used to the exercise. However, it sounds like you have a little exercise enduced asthma. An inhaler with a broncho-dialater and steiroid should help ease the coughing. I use Advair twice a day and it works great to cut down on weezing. You may want to hit the ol' albuterol a little more if you're working out. As long as the gunk is white, no worries of infection. You have secretions that need to come out every day and the exercise helps get things moving.
24 w/ CF


New member
I have a question about this subject too. I hope you don't mind me asking it on your posts. Anyway when your exercising and you get a little short of breath do you work through it until your back to normal then continue to push your self or do you stop trying to push yourself? I know you don't want to get any inflamation from coughing your head off and being SOB. But at the same time how do you get your endurance up if you don't push yourself? Nobody ever answers anything on the Exercise thread anymore. As to the original poster Debbie is right as long as it's not dark mucus color than its ok. Your just moving stuff around. Becky


New member
When I first started playing hockey I was constantly short of breath and getting dehydrated like none other. I just kept pushing myself. I would throw up every week I played bc I was pushing my self to fight through the dehydration and would get dizzy spells from the lack of endurance. I eventually fought through it and didn't need an inhaler either. It sucks doing that, but as long as you keep at it you'll succeed. Instead of only playing 2 minute shifts throughout the game I can now play the entire game without one rest and go balls to the wall.



New member
I've swam almost my entire life, and I now play water polo for my university. I've always loved to push myself past my limits, despite wheezing, coughing, getting dizzy, etc. My parents tended to flip out sometimes during competitions when they could tell I was really struggling, but when I really push myself I do end up coughing up a lot of mucus, which is good, and it builds endurance. I guess you just have to know how far is too far to push yourself, but i'd say go for it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">