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I was also told no cough meds, primarily because it might keep me from coughing stuff up. UMM, ok, if I am coughing super hard every minute and breaking ribs, that is not good. The cough meds damp the coughing down to once every 5 minutes. I have a super-reactive cough reflex. Yes, you should listen to your doctor, but they are giving you guidelines, they are not supreme beings. Use your own judgement. I suffered for years from blindly following "advice" that I took to be gospel. MCGrad2006 hit it on the nose- if your life is ultimately better with the med, then do it, only you can be the judge of the quality of your life.
Vampy- broken ribs with CF SUCKS. Just plain sucks. It takes them months to heal, since you never really stop coughing. In my case, they stayed weak and I broke them again, or I snapped a few on the other side. I started with pulled muscles and pleursy too. Just dont go there girl!!
PS The doc I have now supports my choices wholeheartedly. : )
Vampy- broken ribs with CF SUCKS. Just plain sucks. It takes them months to heal, since you never really stop coughing. In my case, they stayed weak and I broke them again, or I snapped a few on the other side. I started with pulled muscles and pleursy too. Just dont go there girl!!
PS The doc I have now supports my choices wholeheartedly. : )