
even though you want to cough to help break up the mucus, it can be really hard while in school. My son's doctors suggested to take delsym but only when it's not a productive cough, just when my son gets stuck and can't stop coughing to sleep or to concentrate in class. Ask your doctors for sure, it helps my son. He also sucks on cough drops during the school day and sips on gatorade or ice water throughout the class.


New member
Holding in your cough will only hurt you in the end. However coughing incorrectly can be just as bad. Ask your doctors or NP to show you how to cough correctly, or at least make sure you are doing it right.

The other thing is to make coughing easier, if you have a lot of mucus you can try asking for a script for mucinex. I say ask for a script because you'd need to take so much of it buying it OTC will get expensive and fast. With a script my insurance will pay for month supply at a time. There are different versions of it so make sure you ask for the one without the cough suppressor.

Staying hydrated is also a very big key to it

To stop a coughing fit you have to learn to be able to have control over it, as in mind over matter. A cough is a "mechanical" reaction in the body, or subconscious so to speak. You can over come it if you use you mind to control your breathing.

Stopping a nagging cough due to post nasal drip or irritation tightness is another story, the best thing to do is address the cause. If you don't know the cause better get on the horn and start asking the docs if they have any ideas.


New member
Holding in your cough will only hurt you in the end. However coughing incorrectly can be just as bad. Ask your doctors or NP to show you how to cough correctly, or at least make sure you are doing it right.

The other thing is to make coughing easier, if you have a lot of mucus you can try asking for a script for mucinex. I say ask for a script because you'd need to take so much of it buying it OTC will get expensive and fast. With a script my insurance will pay for month supply at a time. There are different versions of it so make sure you ask for the one without the cough suppressor.

Staying hydrated is also a very big key to it

To stop a coughing fit you have to learn to be able to have control over it, as in mind over matter. A cough is a "mechanical" reaction in the body, or subconscious so to speak. You can over come it if you use you mind to control your breathing.

Stopping a nagging cough due to post nasal drip or irritation tightness is another story, the best thing to do is address the cause. If you don't know the cause better get on the horn and start asking the docs if they have any ideas.


New member
Holding in your cough will only hurt you in the end. However coughing incorrectly can be just as bad. Ask your doctors or NP to show you how to cough correctly, or at least make sure you are doing it right.

The other thing is to make coughing easier, if you have a lot of mucus you can try asking for a script for mucinex. I say ask for a script because you'd need to take so much of it buying it OTC will get expensive and fast. With a script my insurance will pay for month supply at a time. There are different versions of it so make sure you ask for the one without the cough suppressor.

Staying hydrated is also a very big key to it

To stop a coughing fit you have to learn to be able to have control over it, as in mind over matter. A cough is a "mechanical" reaction in the body, or subconscious so to speak. You can over come it if you use you mind to control your breathing.

Stopping a nagging cough due to post nasal drip or irritation tightness is another story, the best thing to do is address the cause. If you don't know the cause better get on the horn and start asking the docs if they have any ideas.


New member
I have always coughed when I needed too, and people around me learned to deal with it. I told them flat out that coughing is essential and say nicely that I'm not sick or anything and to not worry. If it got really bad then I would step outside for a moment, or go to the bathroom.


New member
I have always coughed when I needed too, and people around me learned to deal with it. I told them flat out that coughing is essential and say nicely that I'm not sick or anything and to not worry. If it got really bad then I would step outside for a moment, or go to the bathroom.


New member
I have always coughed when I needed too, and people around me learned to deal with it. I told them flat out that coughing is essential and say nicely that I'm not sick or anything and to not worry. If it got really bad then I would step outside for a moment, or go to the bathroom.


New member
I agree with tesorotiffa: productive cough is "welcome", while for unproductive cough (which just irritates you) I usually drink water and get a cough drop.

Side note: early on I was told "cough is your best friend" and encouraged to cough. Now in Spain the trend is to go with Autogenic Drainage, in which you DON'T cough! Or at least very, very little. The idea is to cause as less damage to the lungs, so if you have to cough, do it with very low volume of air. And for the exercises, the breathing technique is developed to "breath up" the mucus until it's high up enough that you can just HARKLE it out!

I never realized that filling up your lungs with air and then coughing causes a lot of damage to the airways...

For grown-ups, it really hard to get used to not coughing at all but you can make it, and at least you can certainly reduce or eliminate those violent coughing fits. Children learn it really easy, it's fantastic.
Try to check it out! I don't know how extended it is in the States, and it's crucial to get proper training because otherwise it just doesn't work. Here we're lucky because Mr. Chevailler, the founder, came to teach.


New member
I agree with tesorotiffa: productive cough is "welcome", while for unproductive cough (which just irritates you) I usually drink water and get a cough drop.

Side note: early on I was told "cough is your best friend" and encouraged to cough. Now in Spain the trend is to go with Autogenic Drainage, in which you DON'T cough! Or at least very, very little. The idea is to cause as less damage to the lungs, so if you have to cough, do it with very low volume of air. And for the exercises, the breathing technique is developed to "breath up" the mucus until it's high up enough that you can just HARKLE it out!

I never realized that filling up your lungs with air and then coughing causes a lot of damage to the airways...

For grown-ups, it really hard to get used to not coughing at all but you can make it, and at least you can certainly reduce or eliminate those violent coughing fits. Children learn it really easy, it's fantastic.
Try to check it out! I don't know how extended it is in the States, and it's crucial to get proper training because otherwise it just doesn't work. Here we're lucky because Mr. Chevailler, the founder, came to teach.


New member
I agree with tesorotiffa: productive cough is "welcome", while for unproductive cough (which just irritates you) I usually drink water and get a cough drop.

Side note: early on I was told "cough is your best friend" and encouraged to cough. Now in Spain the trend is to go with Autogenic Drainage, in which you DON'T cough! Or at least very, very little. The idea is to cause as less damage to the lungs, so if you have to cough, do it with very low volume of air. And for the exercises, the breathing technique is developed to "breath up" the mucus until it's high up enough that you can just HARKLE it out!

I never realized that filling up your lungs with air and then coughing causes a lot of damage to the airways...

For grown-ups, it really hard to get used to not coughing at all but you can make it, and at least you can certainly reduce or eliminate those violent coughing fits. Children learn it really easy, it's fantastic.
Try to check it out! I don't know how extended it is in the States, and it's crucial to get proper training because otherwise it just doesn't work. Here we're lucky because Mr. Chevailler, the founder, came to teach.


<P>My physio guy tried to teach me but i cudnt get it.....he said people bring up large amounts of stuff with this method.</P>
<P>Do you find it clears airways better....did you have a hard time learning it?</P>


<P>My physio guy tried to teach me but i cudnt get it.....he said people bring up large amounts of stuff with this method.</P>
<P>Do you find it clears airways better....did you have a hard time learning it?</P>


<P>My physio guy tried to teach me but i cudnt get it.....he said people bring up large amounts of stuff with this method.</P>
<P>Do you find it clears airways better....did you have a hard time learning it?</P>


New member
I have found that wintergreen lifesavers work really well for that unproductive tickle in your throat cough and cough and cough type. The other thing that I have found that works sometimes is straggly to eat and Italian ice. I get this cough a lot when I try to go to bed and have been searching for a way to calm it.


New member
I have found that wintergreen lifesavers work really well for that unproductive tickle in your throat cough and cough and cough type. The other thing that I have found that works sometimes is straggly to eat and Italian ice. I get this cough a lot when I try to go to bed and have been searching for a way to calm it.


My doctors have always told me not to try and suppress my cough, but to instead move the mucus "up and out". I understand that this is totally necessary, but in public I worry about my coughing being disruptive or annoying. A lot of times, during my morning classes, my coughing gets especially bad and comes in short spells that I can't seem to control. I've learned to always, always carry a water bottle with me, which helps some, but a lot of times I have to excuse myself from class and go to the bathroom. I've found that if I can excrete even a few small plugs of mucus, I can return to class and my coughing will for the most part subside. I also keep my Albuterol puffer in my backpack, and doing a couple puffs of that during a coughing fit seems to calm the irritation and help air pass more easily. I also try to do a treatment of Hyper Saline in the morning before school, because it helps me get a ton up and generally clears me out for the day.<img title="Smile" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" alt="Smile" border="0" />


My doctors have always told me not to try and suppress my cough, but to instead move the mucus "up and out". I understand that this is totally necessary, but in public I worry about my coughing being disruptive or annoying. A lot of times, during my morning classes, my coughing gets especially bad and comes in short spells that I can't seem to control. I've learned to always, always carry a water bottle with me, which helps some, but a lot of times I have to excuse myself from class and go to the bathroom. I've found that if I can excrete even a few small plugs of mucus, I can return to class and my coughing will for the most part subside. I also keep my Albuterol puffer in my backpack, and doing a couple puffs of that during a coughing fit seems to calm the irritation and help air pass more easily. I also try to do a treatment of Hyper Saline in the morning before school, because it helps me get a ton up and generally clears me out for the day.<img title="Smile" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" alt="Smile" border="0" />


New member
It is tough for me, although I don't surpress a cough, I cover my mouth with my arm and just cough like heck. I find that if you are coughing too much that you start to get lightheaded, pale, and feel like you are about to pass out from violantly coughing, just take slow, easy, breaths through the nose and gently out through the mouth. I will have cases where I cough and cough and cough, and get a lot of mucus up but when it gets far too out of hand, I try to calm myself down.

Moral of the story, don't suppress your cough. However if you are getting air deprived by coughing too much, just take slow easy breaths.


New member
It is tough for me, although I don't surpress a cough, I cover my mouth with my arm and just cough like heck. I find that if you are coughing too much that you start to get lightheaded, pale, and feel like you are about to pass out from violantly coughing, just take slow, easy, breaths through the nose and gently out through the mouth. I will have cases where I cough and cough and cough, and get a lot of mucus up but when it gets far too out of hand, I try to calm myself down.

Moral of the story, don't suppress your cough. However if you are getting air deprived by coughing too much, just take slow easy breaths.