Could i be pregnant?HELP


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I am worried i dont know who to turn to... I had unprotected sex about 2 months ago and now i am worried i might be pregnant. I have cystic fibrosis and have just come out of hospital after a drug reaction. I am on intravenous antibiotics and take all the usual vitamins, steroids, drugs for my bones and nenbulised medication too. I have done a pregnancy test after 2 months but dont have a regular period so dont know when i am suposed to come on anyway. Previous to having sex in october i hadnt come on since August anyway. I dont know if i am just being stupid, but i have put on a bit of weight too, i am not sure whether that is because i have been stuck in hosptial and not moving around much or the anitbiotic i am on is making me hungrier, which apparently it can do.
Also if any one else knows if the urine sample the nurses take whilst your in hospital would detect if your pregnant, because i had to do four samples in 2weeks and one was sent away because there was a high concentration of nitrates in my urine. I was told everything was o.k. but would they have tested for pregnancy?
I am afraid to tell anyone at my hosptial or my parents. I was just wondering what the chances are of me being pregnant is. if anyone has any advice please help!
Is it true people with cystic fibrosis have trouble becoming pregnant without IVF treatment anyway? ... I am only 18 and scared because i dont know who to turn to. i would very much appreciate it if someone could get back to me ASAP.

emma -x-


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I did a test on friday and it came back negative but like i said i am still worried because i dont have a regular period



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I doubt you are, those tests are pretty accurate. But if you are still worried, take another one, or go to your nearest Planned Parenthood for a test. Some women w/ Cf have great difficultly getting pregnate b/c the mucus in the vagina can be thicker or more acidic than "normal" and this kills more sperm. However, this is not always the case. Every time I go in for IVs they do a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side.
Since you are having sex, look into some birth control. There are so many options! The patch, several pills, IUD (which is safe now), norplant. I use the Depo-provera shot. I get one shot every three months, it's effectiave immedatly, I dont' get a period on it, and I don't have to worry about if I took my pill or not. I really like it. If you are freaked out about your parents knowing you are using BC, you can get it confidentially at a Planned Parenthood. Ask about the morning after pill, you can take it up to 72 hourd after having unprotected sex and it prevents conception. I don't want to get all "mommy" on you here, but I can't stress this enough, even if you are on BC you still need to use condoms!
23 w/ CF


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If you are your gynecologist...let them know that you think you could be pregnant. Since you are 18...they will not tell your parents. It is possible for females with CF to have children without IVF. I am a 31 yr old w/CF and have a 6 yr old daughter who I conceived naturally. Good Luck!


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Not to add to your worry, but you best be tested at a clinic to see if you're pregnant not only for your health but for the possible fetus, many medications can seriously affect a growing fetus. I would doubt you are pregnant also, since the tests are fairly accurate. But put your mind at ease about it, that never helps with health in general if you are stressed out.

Best of luck

female 27 w/CF


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Sometimes,as it seems you are not that healthy, stresses on your body stop periods - As in elite athletes.
odn't worry too much - Go to the doctor instead of stressing!


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I would suggest a second pg test, maybe a different test or like someone mentioned, Planned Parenthood could test you. I've never been to Planned Parenthood, are the tests free there?
Birth contol is a good thing too.
Your chances of being pg are pretty slim, but just for your peace of mind, I'd do more pg tests. Good luck!


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Hey Emma.. Just to let you know .. Anytime you are in the hospital and you are of the age of menstration, they do a pregnancy test on you. By law if you have any type of xray or are given any type of medicine that could effect a growing fetus they are mandated to do a pregnacy test. THey often do not even tell you that they are doing it..but it for sure should have been done.....The tests they use in the hospital is pretty accurate.. I agree with the others.. Safe sex with a condom to protect you from STDs.


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You prob aren't pregnant, because the home tests are very accurate. However, sometimes there is a purpose for these pregnancy scares. Women with CF can get pregnant by normal means! Be careful!


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Ya in the hospital they always test for pregnancy. They start testing at 11 years old. That is just nuts. It's awfule that we have to consider an 11 year old to possibly be pregnant. Bu take another one to makes ure and if you still are nervous about it go to the doc and find out.

Nicole 22 CF


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Thank you all very much for your replys. I very much appreciate them.

From what people have said i think i will take another test but i am just a bit worried because you are ment to take the test on the day you were due to come on...and i havent got a day! i come on when my body wants to, any suggestions?!? the leaflet states that if you dont have a regular period they advise you wait up to 19days after having sex before testing.

Also the other thing that some people mentioned about being in hospital and them automatically testing me, is i went for an xray and the woman asked if i was pregnant, i said ' not that im aware of ' but obviously that was just the xray department but would they still test me even if i said that!?
I know this seems like a stupid question but can a blood test protect if your pregnant and if it does would they test it in the hospital when they take your blood weekly?!?

I will make an appiontment at my doctors just to check like you say its better to be safe than sorry.
This is my first time on this site and i wish i had found it earlier! thanks again for all your support. I know i am very stupid for not using protection it wont happen again.



New member
Hi Emma...

Like I said before. about the hospital checking to see if you are pregnant before they do x rays... It is always done... I work in an emergency room, we always test ppl... ( not as young as 11 unless they have started their peroids), we do it by urine test or blood test... we also ask the patient if there is any chance they can be pregnant in spite of the fact of the test being done.. The X ray techs by law can not do an x ray without checking the chart to see a negative preg test... Don't worry.. The at home tests can detect the hormone changes as early as two weeks after conception...meaning two weeks before your period is even due...Are you having any symptoms of being pregnant such as breast tenderness or enlargement??? even if you are that doesn't mean you are pregnant could mean that your peroid is getting ready to come.

If you want to know for sure to put your mind at ease.... Call the hospital and ask them for a copy of your lab results you can see what tests where done and what were not.....

Good Luck


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I havent noticed my breast getting any bigger... but one other embarassing thing that keeps happening, but this has been going on way before i had sex, i keep getting yellowy green discharge and i havent even had a period. Usually it happens just before i come on but everyday for the past 3months i have had to wear a pad down there because it always happens. might seem stupid but is this common in ppl with cf or not because of the mucus down there? I have tried tablets, cream and pills for thrush and the nurses even tested my urine for an infection but tests came back o.k. Im bit embarassed to go to the nurse! But this has been going on before i had sex so it cant mean anything to do with that can it?


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Emma.. Sounds like it is an infection that needs to be seen by a Dr. Go to an OBGYN and get your self straightened out please....


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If it's been happening since before you had sex, it's likely that it's not an STD. However, you can't completely rule it out. Either way, infection or STD, you should really go see an obgyn and have them check it out.


New member
it might be just as simple as a yeast infection, or something more serious. Either way, you should see a doc right away for it. If it is a yeast infection they can give you something to make you more comfortable and if it is an STD you can get treated and prevent further damage.

Yes the can do a pregnancy test Via blood. the reason why they wouldn't automatically check for it is because they can not do a test like that without your consent. there are certain extreme situations where they can (rape, if you are a minor in some states...) but you have to specifically ask for a test to be done.

Even for people who don't have regular periods, if it has been more than 30 days since your last period and you still havent started, if you were pregnant it would show on a test, regardless of wether or not you are regular, irregular. The other thing is you might want to consider birth control. It is not only used to protect against pregnancy, but can also help regulate periods in women who have irregular periods, and relive sever cramps for those who get debhilitating cramps when their period comes.



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I am 20 years old with CF and I totally know what you're going through, because I went through it all when I was only 17. I didn't take a pregnancy test until 2 months after having unprotected sex, because basically I was in denial about it. I got worried because I was gaining weight, my breasts were tender, I was feeling sick some days, had lots of headaches, and of course a missed period, and I wasn't really regular either. Even after waiting 2 months, I finally decided to take a test, and it came out positive. I finally got up the courage to tell my mom and as hard as it was, she really helped me through it. Because of having CF, being pregnant can cause many problems to the fetus and the mother if nothing is done about it. Unfortunately, I had to take a route unmentionable, I guess some would say, but after the fact, my mom put me on birth control, and we actually became closer. But my best advice is to take another test, if you didn't use EPT bfore, use that one this time. And if it comes out positive, make sure you tell your parents or doctor before it's too late. If it comes out negative, most likely you're ok. But I'd still recommend going to a GYNO as soon as possible. If your mom isn't too strict, and she's easy to talk to, you might want to consider even talking to her about going on birth control, to regulate your period. I have been on birth control since after my incident, and now my periods are regular, only last for 3-4 days, and I use condoms when I have sex, just in case because being on antibiotics lessens the effect of the birth control. Don't think of yourself as stupid, because unfortunately, it happens to a lot of people. I understand your situation completely. Good luck with everything.


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Thankyou for your advise i have told my mum about my problem (down below), she is making an oppiontment for me to see a doctor asap. i thought whilst im there i will mention the fact i had unprotected sex and i will then decide whether to tell my mum based on the outcome. That must have been an experience you'd rather forget, at least you have learnt from yours. I am learning mine now. i feel so supid i took Child Development at school and got an A* for it, i should know better.
