Could it be arthritis?


New member
Lately i have been having some odd things going on with my hips and knees. While i am driving to work everythings fine, when i get out of the car my hips start to hurt and i almost walk with a limp till it starts to feel better. I normally walk pretty fast but when i get out of the car and start to go WHAM !! the pain sets in and i simply have to slow down. Once i am going for a while the pain pretty much goes away, most times it goes completely away....TILL i get back in the car and go home then the same scenerio all over again. My knees....same thing. When i get down on the ground getting back up is painful and not as easy as it used to be. I have never had these problems before and cant imagine what could be the cause if it isnt arthritis. If it is arthritis i am guessing i am limited to what i can take for the pain since i have hemoptyiss issues. Ibuprofen would be out of the question as would any anti-inflammatory, so whats the route i would have to take then? Anyone have a remedy? Or even know if this sounds like arthritis?


New member
Lately i have been having some odd things going on with my hips and knees. While i am driving to work everythings fine, when i get out of the car my hips start to hurt and i almost walk with a limp till it starts to feel better. I normally walk pretty fast but when i get out of the car and start to go WHAM !! the pain sets in and i simply have to slow down. Once i am going for a while the pain pretty much goes away, most times it goes completely away....TILL i get back in the car and go home then the same scenerio all over again. My knees....same thing. When i get down on the ground getting back up is painful and not as easy as it used to be. I have never had these problems before and cant imagine what could be the cause if it isnt arthritis. If it is arthritis i am guessing i am limited to what i can take for the pain since i have hemoptyiss issues. Ibuprofen would be out of the question as would any anti-inflammatory, so whats the route i would have to take then? Anyone have a remedy? Or even know if this sounds like arthritis?


New member
Lately i have been having some odd things going on with my hips and knees. While i am driving to work everythings fine, when i get out of the car my hips start to hurt and i almost walk with a limp till it starts to feel better. I normally walk pretty fast but when i get out of the car and start to go WHAM !! the pain sets in and i simply have to slow down. Once i am going for a while the pain pretty much goes away, most times it goes completely away....TILL i get back in the car and go home then the same scenerio all over again. My knees....same thing. When i get down on the ground getting back up is painful and not as easy as it used to be. I have never had these problems before and cant imagine what could be the cause if it isnt arthritis. If it is arthritis i am guessing i am limited to what i can take for the pain since i have hemoptyiss issues. Ibuprofen would be out of the question as would any anti-inflammatory, so whats the route i would have to take then? Anyone have a remedy? Or even know if this sounds like arthritis?


New member
Lately i have been having some odd things going on with my hips and knees. While i am driving to work everythings fine, when i get out of the car my hips start to hurt and i almost walk with a limp till it starts to feel better. I normally walk pretty fast but when i get out of the car and start to go WHAM !! the pain sets in and i simply have to slow down. Once i am going for a while the pain pretty much goes away, most times it goes completely away....TILL i get back in the car and go home then the same scenerio all over again. My knees....same thing. When i get down on the ground getting back up is painful and not as easy as it used to be. I have never had these problems before and cant imagine what could be the cause if it isnt arthritis. If it is arthritis i am guessing i am limited to what i can take for the pain since i have hemoptyiss issues. Ibuprofen would be out of the question as would any anti-inflammatory, so whats the route i would have to take then? Anyone have a remedy? Or even know if this sounds like arthritis?


New member
Lately i have been having some odd things going on with my hips and knees. While i am driving to work everythings fine, when i get out of the car my hips start to hurt and i almost walk with a limp till it starts to feel better. I normally walk pretty fast but when i get out of the car and start to go WHAM !! the pain sets in and i simply have to slow down. Once i am going for a while the pain pretty much goes away, most times it goes completely away....TILL i get back in the car and go home then the same scenerio all over again. My knees....same thing. When i get down on the ground getting back up is painful and not as easy as it used to be. I have never had these problems before and cant imagine what could be the cause if it isnt arthritis. If it is arthritis i am guessing i am limited to what i can take for the pain since i have hemoptyiss issues. Ibuprofen would be out of the question as would any anti-inflammatory, so whats the route i would have to take then? Anyone have a remedy? Or even know if this sounds like arthritis?


I will be very interested in hearing resposnes as well. I have the same eaxct problem, if I am in the car for a long time, or on the floor playing with my niece. It hurts for a bit then is better...wierd. My knees, my hips, sometimes my ankles and wrists too.

And I am already on the Motrin protocol and still get these pains...grrr...the joys of getting older!


I will be very interested in hearing resposnes as well. I have the same eaxct problem, if I am in the car for a long time, or on the floor playing with my niece. It hurts for a bit then is better...wierd. My knees, my hips, sometimes my ankles and wrists too.

And I am already on the Motrin protocol and still get these pains...grrr...the joys of getting older!


I will be very interested in hearing resposnes as well. I have the same eaxct problem, if I am in the car for a long time, or on the floor playing with my niece. It hurts for a bit then is better...wierd. My knees, my hips, sometimes my ankles and wrists too.

And I am already on the Motrin protocol and still get these pains...grrr...the joys of getting older!


I will be very interested in hearing resposnes as well. I have the same eaxct problem, if I am in the car for a long time, or on the floor playing with my niece. It hurts for a bit then is better...wierd. My knees, my hips, sometimes my ankles and wrists too.

And I am already on the Motrin protocol and still get these pains...grrr...the joys of getting older!


I will be very interested in hearing resposnes as well. I have the same eaxct problem, if I am in the car for a long time, or on the floor playing with my niece. It hurts for a bit then is better...wierd. My knees, my hips, sometimes my ankles and wrists too.

And I am already on the Motrin protocol and still get these pains...grrr...the joys of getting older!


New member
It does sound like it, because of the pain going away after you get moving. Arthritis runs rampant in my family, and I started having symptoms very early in life. I was in my late teens when my lower back started bothering me. I'll be 41 this year, and I've noticed my hips and knees hurt after I've been sitting for a period of time, just like you mentioned. I usually try to walk when it flares up. I've also used those arthritis creams, but I don't know if they would increase your bleeding problems or not. Another option is a soak in a hot bath or using a heating pad.

Of course I'm no doctor, so you may want to mention this to yours. I'm sure there are other things it could be. My mother has experienced deterioration of her joints, especially in her knees. I hope you find something that works to ease your pain.



New member
It does sound like it, because of the pain going away after you get moving. Arthritis runs rampant in my family, and I started having symptoms very early in life. I was in my late teens when my lower back started bothering me. I'll be 41 this year, and I've noticed my hips and knees hurt after I've been sitting for a period of time, just like you mentioned. I usually try to walk when it flares up. I've also used those arthritis creams, but I don't know if they would increase your bleeding problems or not. Another option is a soak in a hot bath or using a heating pad.

Of course I'm no doctor, so you may want to mention this to yours. I'm sure there are other things it could be. My mother has experienced deterioration of her joints, especially in her knees. I hope you find something that works to ease your pain.



New member
It does sound like it, because of the pain going away after you get moving. Arthritis runs rampant in my family, and I started having symptoms very early in life. I was in my late teens when my lower back started bothering me. I'll be 41 this year, and I've noticed my hips and knees hurt after I've been sitting for a period of time, just like you mentioned. I usually try to walk when it flares up. I've also used those arthritis creams, but I don't know if they would increase your bleeding problems or not. Another option is a soak in a hot bath or using a heating pad.

Of course I'm no doctor, so you may want to mention this to yours. I'm sure there are other things it could be. My mother has experienced deterioration of her joints, especially in her knees. I hope you find something that works to ease your pain.



New member
It does sound like it, because of the pain going away after you get moving. Arthritis runs rampant in my family, and I started having symptoms very early in life. I was in my late teens when my lower back started bothering me. I'll be 41 this year, and I've noticed my hips and knees hurt after I've been sitting for a period of time, just like you mentioned. I usually try to walk when it flares up. I've also used those arthritis creams, but I don't know if they would increase your bleeding problems or not. Another option is a soak in a hot bath or using a heating pad.

Of course I'm no doctor, so you may want to mention this to yours. I'm sure there are other things it could be. My mother has experienced deterioration of her joints, especially in her knees. I hope you find something that works to ease your pain.



New member
It does sound like it, because of the pain going away after you get moving. Arthritis runs rampant in my family, and I started having symptoms very early in life. I was in my late teens when my lower back started bothering me. I'll be 41 this year, and I've noticed my hips and knees hurt after I've been sitting for a period of time, just like you mentioned. I usually try to walk when it flares up. I've also used those arthritis creams, but I don't know if they would increase your bleeding problems or not. Another option is a soak in a hot bath or using a heating pad.

Of course I'm no doctor, so you may want to mention this to yours. I'm sure there are other things it could be. My mother has experienced deterioration of her joints, especially in her knees. I hope you find something that works to ease your pain.



New member
Sounds like it... For me the getting off the floor is the worst (play with my son). I look like an old lady limping around when my arthritis is at its worst. Advil is a LAST resort since I have hemopystis issues as well ... I much prefer heat to the site of the pain and stiffness. My hips and knees are my worst trouble as well although I sometimes have trouble with my hands and right shoulder. My right hip needs to be replaced-- I am not looking forward to that.

I can't get into cars without cringing and creaking. I don't have to troubles getting into our truck (less stress on the joints it seems).


New member
Sounds like it... For me the getting off the floor is the worst (play with my son). I look like an old lady limping around when my arthritis is at its worst. Advil is a LAST resort since I have hemopystis issues as well ... I much prefer heat to the site of the pain and stiffness. My hips and knees are my worst trouble as well although I sometimes have trouble with my hands and right shoulder. My right hip needs to be replaced-- I am not looking forward to that.

I can't get into cars without cringing and creaking. I don't have to troubles getting into our truck (less stress on the joints it seems).


New member
Sounds like it... For me the getting off the floor is the worst (play with my son). I look like an old lady limping around when my arthritis is at its worst. Advil is a LAST resort since I have hemopystis issues as well ... I much prefer heat to the site of the pain and stiffness. My hips and knees are my worst trouble as well although I sometimes have trouble with my hands and right shoulder. My right hip needs to be replaced-- I am not looking forward to that.

I can't get into cars without cringing and creaking. I don't have to troubles getting into our truck (less stress on the joints it seems).


New member
Sounds like it... For me the getting off the floor is the worst (play with my son). I look like an old lady limping around when my arthritis is at its worst. Advil is a LAST resort since I have hemopystis issues as well ... I much prefer heat to the site of the pain and stiffness. My hips and knees are my worst trouble as well although I sometimes have trouble with my hands and right shoulder. My right hip needs to be replaced-- I am not looking forward to that.

I can't get into cars without cringing and creaking. I don't have to troubles getting into our truck (less stress on the joints it seems).


New member
Sounds like it... For me the getting off the floor is the worst (play with my son). I look like an old lady limping around when my arthritis is at its worst. Advil is a LAST resort since I have hemopystis issues as well ... I much prefer heat to the site of the pain and stiffness. My hips and knees are my worst trouble as well although I sometimes have trouble with my hands and right shoulder. My right hip needs to be replaced-- I am not looking forward to that.

I can't get into cars without cringing and creaking. I don't have to troubles getting into our truck (less stress on the joints it seems).