Could one have done differently...


New member
Hi all...

I have been wondering a lot...Had i gone to the gym more often, would i not have been in this miserable situation of being on the TX-List...? If i had gone swimming or spinning 5 times a week, would i have been able to stall the progression of my scared lungs...? I have not been a very work-out kind of guy. I live on the 4-h floor in an apartment without an elevator, and has been telling myself, that the daily up and down the stairs had to suffice. I have been mending my meds 110%. I am 42, and have had Pseudo since age 5...
Do you recon what i talk about....Could we have acted differently, us looking out on the world from the TX-list...???

Best possible to you all..

/Jan 42 years old pwcf from Denmark...


New member
Don't sweat it pal. It doesn't matter anyway.
I had a transplant at age 41. I never worked out. I was in pretty good shape until my mid-30's.
When I strated to slide I kept working as much as I could. Most people like us are too busy making a living to work out daily.
Besides, there is no public gym in this little town I live in.
It doesn't matter.
The fact remains you are in the shape you are because you had the bad luck to be born with a bitch of a disease; nothing more, nothing less.
You need to start looking to the future & quit kickin' your own butt because of the past.
When you get you personal miracle you're gonna feel 100% better.
Just try to maintain & hang in there until then OK? Best of luck to you. If I can help in any way just contact me via this website.
All our best to you & yours, 'Pat'.


New member
Hello Vejling,

even though you didn't exercise before transplant I hope that you will after as someone will make the ultimate sacrifice for you and me as I am on the list as well. I have an identical twin brother who was transplanted 4 years ago and as soon as he was able got back in the gym and hasn't had any problems. We have a responsibility to our donor to do everything we can to stay healthy after transplant and fitness is huge part of that.

Good luck and I hope that both of us don't have to wait much longer.

Dave, 37 w/cf