Could this be my sons diagnosis????


New member
My daughter is 4 1/2 and she has those accidents lately. I asked her what the deal was the other day and she said she just had to fart. Sounds wuite familiar! I hope you can get to the bototm of this and start treatment asap if necessary. Good luck!


New member
My daughter is 4 1/2 and she has those accidents lately. I asked her what the deal was the other day and she said she just had to fart. Sounds wuite familiar! I hope you can get to the bototm of this and start treatment asap if necessary. Good luck!


New member
My daughter is 4 1/2 and she has those accidents lately. I asked her what the deal was the other day and she said she just had to fart. Sounds wuite familiar! I hope you can get to the bototm of this and start treatment asap if necessary. Good luck!


New member
My daughter is 4 1/2 and she has those accidents lately. I asked her what the deal was the other day and she said she just had to fart. Sounds wuite familiar! I hope you can get to the bototm of this and start treatment asap if necessary. Good luck!


New member
My daughter is 4 1/2 and she has those accidents lately. I asked her what the deal was the other day and she said she just had to fart. Sounds wuite familiar! I hope you can get to the bototm of this and start treatment asap if necessary. Good luck!