couple of questions


New member
I am a mom of a almost 3 year old with cf, I wondered if anyone is having the same problems as us and if so some advice please. We had recently started potty training and she does extremly well on pee but we are having problems with see her stools are not formed as they should be even though she is taking her enzymes and gas drops with every meal and then after a little experiment we foung that juice was our major downfall because she drinks constant so we cut all juice out and still having some problems so we have come to the conclusion that at daycare they are giving enzymes in ketchup so we are telling them no more ketchup. Hopefully this helps, anyway does anyone else with cfers have a very sensative stomach to acid? Is this common?What do we do about it besides eliminating these foods and drinks. Please help us .


New member
I would definitely talk to your doctor about your daughter's enzymes. If she still doesn't have formed stools (even with enzymes and antacids), she might need a higher dosage of enzymes and or a different brand of enzymes. It took our son a whole year to figure out the correct dosage of enzymes. He also has a very acidic stomach. Finally we switched brands - he was on Creon at first and then switched to Pancrecarb - and it made all the difference in the world. If sometimes still has loose stools, but usually it is the day after a birthday party or day where he ate a lot of high fat foods (those days are always so hard as to how many enzymes to give your child).Also consult with your doctor about this (before taking my advice), but I would recomend that you NOT eliminate juice and ketchup from your daughter's diet. Children with CF need a lot of calories and sodium. Apple juice especially has a lot of calories and natural sodium in it. Ketchup has a lot of vitamin A (which is an important vitamin children with CF have a hard time absorbing enough of) and it has a lot of sodium. These are actually two foods that we encourage our son to eat. Our doctor actually recomended that Sean drink as much juice during the day that he could. He now swallows his enzymes with apple juice before every meal (he drink milk with half and half with dinner) and he is allowed to dip whatever he wants into ketchup - disgusting but true :)Finally, regarding the ketchup and the enzymes - it might be the combination that doesn't work together and not the ketchup itself. I might be wrong, but I think that some foods are better to eat enzymes with. Our doctor suggested apple sauce, which worked well for when we used to sprinkle his enzymes in it. Also are you sprinkling the enzymes into just one spoonful of ketchup (ie. instead of a whole serving)? B/c that is the best way to make sure that your daughter is actually getting all of her enzymes. From what I have learned and understood, a child with CF's diet needs to include as many items as possible, and not eliminate foods. I would hate to see your daughter have things taken out of her diet unless absolutely necessary. Hope some of this helps. Please let us know if anything works. Good luck.Katrina - mother to Sean (5 w/cf), Carolyn (4 w/o cf), and Allison (2 w/o cf)