CPS Problems


New member
Hello....it's been a long while since I posted, but I don't know what to do for my daughter. Everything has been going along fine. My grandson is almost 5 and has been hospitalized 3 times. My daughter missed some consecutive appointments and the social worker in that office called CPS....my daughter finally worked through that. She had been doing great for about a year and then missed one appointment and rescheduled......the same social worker called CPS again. This case has remained open for a year. Well my grandson is in hospital now and is scheduled to go home tomorrow. Now, on this last day, the same social worker has called in another report. She is now stating that my grandson's stepfather and my son n law does all the treatments and taps. The social worker asked my grandson who does his treatments and he confirmed it was stepdad.

My daughter is the sole income and the stepdad is not working and has not been working. Is this right? Does it matter who is doing the treatments as long as it gets done? I'm confused. I feel if she stays with this group of drs and hospital....then her son will end up taken from her.....for missed appointments and the step father doing the treatments. Any advice?


Super Moderator
A few thoughts: If you are seriously concerned about removal, I'd find a lawyer to get involved with cps. Re the treatments...it doesn't matter who does it but given the history, the social worker probably doesn't trust your daughter and assumes granddad is doing because she won't. It will take a long time to reestablish trust because missing several appointments in a row and then another within the next year is a big sign of concern since they are only quarterly appointments. Probably good if you daughter sits with social worker and comes up with a plan to restalbish trust, while xplaining re the treatments...a contact of sorts of what she needs to do. Good luck.