CPT question


New member
Sorry it cut me off ... So do I have to do it right when she wakes up and before she goes to bed everyday ? For instance, if I need to get out of the house quickly in the morning can I do it late morning when I get home. Or at night if we r gonna be out late, can I do it before we leave for the evening? I'm sure it's good to have a somewhat consistent routine, but this is just every once in a while


Super Moderator
Ideally it is split as far as part as possible, but you have to work with what you can. When DS was little he had his morning at 9ish and night at 5ish b/c he needed to have an empty tummy b/c of bad acid reflux. Now it is more like 8ish and 8ish. It varies over time. Also, you can do the inhaller right away and the taps a couple hours later if that helps get the inhaller spread out more--at least that was what we were told--but we do a nebulizer and not an inhaller and that last 4 hours with it peaking in effectiveness about 40 minutes in, with a bell curve of the benefit from themeds. Maybe ask the pharmasist or dr what the inhaller dosing kick in is, i.e. how long it last when it peaks and then if you do that right away and taps later within that time frame. For the first 2 years you'll end up having a new routine almost every 3 weeks b/c of eating, sleeping pattern changes. Hope this helps.


Staff member
In order to keep our routine, I've always done early morning right away, then right away when we get home and we do a 3rd before bed. Keeping at least 4 hours between treatments due to nebbing albuterol & atrovent. Also when he's on Tobi, we try to keep that spaced evenly so 6:15 am and then 5:45 or 6 at night. On weekends it's whenever he wakes up and either before or after breakfast. We HAVE skipped the 2nd treatment done everything before bed when there's been a conflict, but those times are rare. If we have a wedding or late afternoon event, we'll do his treatment an hour or so earlier.


Super Moderator
I actually forgot to mention that we did 3 "taps" per day too until about 2 years old. (The respiratory therpist said 2 - 3x per day and 2-3 minutes for each of 5 positions--we usually did about 20 minutes of taps.) We figured the best way to keep ds healthy as could be. We only went to 2 times per day when it became clear he was losing out on important play and exercise time (and needed the later for GI issues). I'll still do 3 (or even 4) if I think something might be sneaking up on him because of coughs, but if after a day or two nothing progresses go back to 2. it's all a balance. you'll figure it out and then it will change 3 weeks later! hang in there..