Crackling When Exhaling



I've had some sinus and chest congestion for the last couple weeks. It feels like it's right under my sternum and I can feel vibrations there when I breathe. I use pulmozyme once a day and hypersal 3 times a day right now. I normally only do hypersal once a day, but the clinic increased it to see if it would help. Since I was at the clinic I have developed a crackle in my chest. You can hear it when I inhale, but it is more pronounced when I exhale. I have been coughing up a lot more than I usually do, but I can only seem to clear it after a hypersal treatment. I'm having some chest pain, but that may be due to the increased hypersal. I'm trying to avoid going to the clinic if possible because I'm waiting for my medicaid to, hopefully, come through. I'm just not sure if I should be concerned or if this is normal for CFers to get from time to time. Any advice is greatly appreciated. This drowning feeling is not fun at all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
If it were my kiddo I would call her doctor immediately. That would worry me, especially if it is not your normal. Good luck and I hope you feel better. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member

I always have a small crackle but what you are presenting sounds like it COULD be serious.

Call your CF Clinic ASAP and tell them about it (again).



New member
Is it possible that the hypersal is irritating your lungs? I find a little is productive, but too much is irritating and may cause inflammation. Last summer I had a similar situation and found taking allegra (after reading the noexcuses blog) to be really helpful. For crackles I also try hot showers, drinking lots of warm water, extra vesting, and taking ibuprofen. Good Luck.


Thanks everyone. I guess I'm going to have to call the clinic, I just hate doing that with my current insurance problem. I've been taking lots of hot showers and it seems to clear up for a bit, but then just comes right back. Same with the breathing treatments, I'm only good for about an hour afterward. I'm sure the hypersal is irritating my lungs, but I'm not sure what else I can do to clear the mucus. I don't have a Vest unfortunately, but I have been using my Acapella after every treatment. The mucus almost seems too thick for me to clear by myself.


New member
Hi Caitlin,

I have that problem from time to time. It seems to happen with certain medications, like when I start a month of Tobramycin. But sometimes it just happens for no reason. I just can't seem to clear the crackle in my mid-chest. It causes me to cough more to try to clear it, then it just comes right back - very annoying!


@rubyroselee Exactly. I just can't seem to kick it. I think my sinuses are contributing to it too. Have you found anything that helps?


I called my clinic today and spoke to my doctor. He is calling in Bactrum to treat my staph. If I don't start feeling better in a week I have to go in to see him. Might just be time for my first tune up.


Good luck with the Bactrim. I didn't reply when you first posted, but I just want to say I've had this, and pretty darn loud --to the point my six-year-old found me reading to him to be a gurgley, crackly laughable mess most of this winter. It eventually went away. I can't tell if it was the bactrim, zithro or three courses of levaquin.



My son seems to think its funny too. At least we are entertaining our little ones lol. I'm glad it finally cleared up for you. Gives me hope that mine will go away soon too. I've never had to go in for a tune up, just for pneumonia. I'd like to keep it that way lol


Thanks Melissa <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Sam's doing great <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He's seven months this week and he's already sitting, crawling, and standing. He's keeping me on my toes, that's for sure! How are the girls?


I hope you are on the mend very soon! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Thank you Tonya <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">