Craving for Coke & getting sick from coughing


New member
I am having wierd experiences lately where I will buy cans of Coke and only drink them in the middle (say 4am) of the night or first thing in the morning. This used never happen before. I am 31 and suppose feeling less than 100% , but what i notice is a craving for Coke at those times. Has anyone else had this? Is it to do with CF? I ve had diabetes tests as recently as last year which were all ok.
Also every morning in the shower i will tend to get in a fit of coughing that results in me getting sick. This happens 5 out of 7 mornings and again only started happening within the last year.
I am living alone (parents deceased) and work part time so i have no one to ask really and try my best to hide it but it's only a matter of time before it gets worse .................. I d rather know what other PWCF think before i go to my Doctor with this (its a male thing)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Should I assume that with "getting sick from coughing," that you mean coughing so hard you throw up? If so, that's not unusual. It's new to me too, as it only started within the past few months. But it doesn't surprise the docs any, and I've heard from many other CFers that it happens a lot. Not fun, and certainly not "normal," but it's probably nothing to worry about.


New member
I drink lots of pop at night too. I drink it at other times too but lots at night. I think for me its usually because I will be half way through a can when I fall asleep and then wake up in the middle of the night with my mouth all dry so I just down the rest of the can.
Ditto what Emily said about throwing up....About the Coke thing - is it specifically coke or sweet stuff in general and you just choose coke? I have diabetes as well and when my sugar is low I crave sweets. More specifically though, I crave's the weirdest thing!


New member
I love to drink Coke and Mt. Dew. I love and crave caffine. I love coffee and chai. If I don't have at least one of these in the a.m. I will have a headache during the day. It's a bad habit and I'm addicted but the way I look at it, I could be addicted to worse things.
I do believe that throwing up while coughing is very normal. I wish I could help there but I don't think there is any good way around it.
Take care.
Cheers (with Coke that is)


New member
I am a COKE ADDICT!! I love my coke, I'm drinking one right now (1L). If I don't have any around I will have a coke attack!! Even after a big meal and lots of milk I need my coke to one has a coffee after dinner. I also sometimes feel it helps the tickle in my throat. I don't know if it's a CF thing but I know it's a thing for me!


New member
Coke is defintily a must have for me as well...none of that Pepsi crap!!! Maybe it has something to do with our genetic mutations...makes our taste buds tingle in anticipation of that sip of ice cold coca-cola. I love to munch on a bag of pork rinds with a tall glass of coke!


New member
Hey I do the Coke thing too...also I crave cereal so much between 3-4 am. Everymorning (this is wierd) I wake up walk into the kitchen get cereal and eat it in my bed. It is so wierd. It used to be pudding but I'm back to cereal, preferably Lucky Charms or Rice Krispies. My dietician loves that I eat at 4am. It's like I never stop eating throughout the day.
Everymorning when I take a shower I also start coughing that I "get sick" too....that's been going on for a few years now. I used to hate it when I lived alone in my apartment building because I thought my neighbors would think I'm nuts.

Emily 23 pwcf


New member
I was having the same problem with getting sick first thing in the morning from coughing and what I did fixed it. I would normally wake up, get dressed moving around and then I would start coughing. Now I wake up, then prop myself up in bed and lay there for a couple minutes, then I sit on the edge of bed and do an Albuteral treatment. I still cough when I start moving, but the treatment thins it out enough not to have to cough hard enough to throw up. I think it is from where we lay still and everything in our lungs settles, but once we get upright and get air moving around, it just overloads us. I would give it a try. Hope this helps.

Eric 24/CF


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I found that I only do the coke thing in the wee hours of the morning if I eat a lot of salt before bed. As we all know, CFers love the salt, so maybe laying off before bed will help.


New member
wow, a few months ago I had that same problem for a while, not with coke though, (Sorry to say, I hate Coca cola) But with Tea with sugar. So I think it has to do with the sugar maybe. I didnt think anything of it though until I read this post, hmmmm