This is probably not relevant at all, but here goes.
Last week my neighbor's two boys both broke out in hives at the same time, about an hour after lunch. They had both had Oscar Meyer Lunchables for lunch. They've had them before, so she wasn't immediately suspicious of that being the cause. But, after ruling many other things out, she contacted Oscar Meyer and learned that the turkey in both of these lunchables had been through a new treatment process and a different facility that is usualy used for foods sold in this region. There had been other reports of reactions. I'm not sure if a recall was planned, or not.
My point in posting is simply to say that sometimes "old" food can cause a "new" recation!
I hope you find a cause soon so you can avoid another itchy reaction! Best of luck!
Last week my neighbor's two boys both broke out in hives at the same time, about an hour after lunch. They had both had Oscar Meyer Lunchables for lunch. They've had them before, so she wasn't immediately suspicious of that being the cause. But, after ruling many other things out, she contacted Oscar Meyer and learned that the turkey in both of these lunchables had been through a new treatment process and a different facility that is usualy used for foods sold in this region. There had been other reports of reactions. I'm not sure if a recall was planned, or not.
My point in posting is simply to say that sometimes "old" food can cause a "new" recation!
I hope you find a cause soon so you can avoid another itchy reaction! Best of luck!