Thanks Heather. I brought this up at our last clinic visit, the nutritionist said Creon was too big to go through the tube, but that pancreacarb could. She just had to check on the size of the tube? (I believe its 18 french).
Can a syringe fit directly into your daughter's tube, or do you need to use an adapter? My daughter's is too small for a syringe so we'd have to connect the adadpter and squirt it through there. No big deal, just curious.
I agree that its a life saver when it comes to meds! And a relief to not be soooo anxious at every feeding about whether she'll eat enough.
I'll call back the nutritionist on Tues and get on this. Thanks again!
Can a syringe fit directly into your daughter's tube, or do you need to use an adapter? My daughter's is too small for a syringe so we'd have to connect the adadpter and squirt it through there. No big deal, just curious.
I agree that its a life saver when it comes to meds! And a relief to not be soooo anxious at every feeding about whether she'll eat enough.
I'll call back the nutritionist on Tues and get on this. Thanks again!