Yikes, yeah that would concern me. . . I'm sure you can find a way to work it out, but keep in mind that you and the other parents are likely the only ones who know how important it is to keep them and their things seperate. Also, the school probably has policies about NOT sharing private info between parents, so the fact that no one told you is not surprising to me. So many people don't know about CF enough to realize that there needs to be some coordination.
But the good thing is that you know now. I'd call the CF social worker and see if she (he?) can get involved. Possibly an intervention from the CF center will show the importance of taking care of all the specifics before school starts.
I know a local set of twins with CF that will be going to school when Alyssa does. I'm glad that I am friendly with the mom and we will work to figure it all out. Even if it means I will open enroll Alyssa elsewhere, I'm sure we'll find a way to make it work for everyone. I hope you will be able to as well.