Culture Question MRSA vs staph areus


Super Moderator
Hi Jen,

MRSA is methicillen resistant staph areus. It just means it is more difficult to treat than regular old staph areus and for antibiotic treatment there are less options available. When your child has a culture done, the report has sensitivites for what antibiotics can be used agianst that bug. Maybe asking your CF doc exactly what type of staph your child is growing and what med options are available. I ask our CF nurse to mail me our culture report if something new is growing or if I have any concerns cause I can read it with my own eyes.


New member
How do you keep one sibling or cousin from getting MRSA from the other or giving it to the other? If they are young and live under one roof that may not be realistic I guess. Are there rules about contact and coughing, staying over night, or anything like that?
My brother cultures staph and I try to be extra careful not to get it myself since it seems to have different effects on about everybody. I wonder how relaxed can we should be about it and how careful is careful enough?


New member
How do you keep one sibling or cousin from getting MRSA from the other or giving it to the other? If they are young and live under one roof that may not be realistic I guess. Are there rules about contact and coughing, staying over night, or anything like that?
My brother cultures staph and I try to be extra careful not to get it myself since it seems to have different effects on about everybody. I wonder how relaxed can we should be about it and how careful is careful enough?


New member
How do you keep one sibling or cousin from getting MRSA from the other or giving it to the other? If they are young and live under one roof that may not be realistic I guess. Are there rules about contact and coughing, staying over night, or anything like that?
My brother cultures staph and I try to be extra careful not to get it myself since it seems to have different effects on about everybody. I wonder how relaxed can we should be about it and how careful is careful enough?



Both of my daughters culture MRSA. And they both cultured it at the same time, so I have no idea where or when they actually caught it. Sometimes only one cultures it, sometimes they both do. This past month, neither one did...only staph. My nephew cultures it as well, but he and my girls have not been near each other for over 5 years. My nephew cultures B. Cepacia, and therefor we keep the three of them apart for that reason.

It is really hard to keep siblings seperated, especially when they are young like my girls. It is suggested that they do treatments in seperate rooms, but they both do them in the same room so they can watch tv. They sleep in the same bed, although they do have their own rooms. I still have to let them be like every other set of sisters, and I just won't let CF stand in the way of a somewhat normal life. As for my nephew, there is just no contact whatsoever.



Both of my daughters culture MRSA. And they both cultured it at the same time, so I have no idea where or when they actually caught it. Sometimes only one cultures it, sometimes they both do. This past month, neither one did...only staph. My nephew cultures it as well, but he and my girls have not been near each other for over 5 years. My nephew cultures B. Cepacia, and therefor we keep the three of them apart for that reason.

It is really hard to keep siblings seperated, especially when they are young like my girls. It is suggested that they do treatments in seperate rooms, but they both do them in the same room so they can watch tv. They sleep in the same bed, although they do have their own rooms. I still have to let them be like every other set of sisters, and I just won't let CF stand in the way of a somewhat normal life. As for my nephew, there is just no contact whatsoever.



Both of my daughters culture MRSA. And they both cultured it at the same time, so I have no idea where or when they actually caught it. Sometimes only one cultures it, sometimes they both do. This past month, neither one did...only staph. My nephew cultures it as well, but he and my girls have not been near each other for over 5 years. My nephew cultures B. Cepacia, and therefor we keep the three of them apart for that reason.

It is really hard to keep siblings seperated, especially when they are young like my girls. It is suggested that they do treatments in seperate rooms, but they both do them in the same room so they can watch tv. They sleep in the same bed, although they do have their own rooms. I still have to let them be like every other set of sisters, and I just won't let CF stand in the way of a somewhat normal life. As for my nephew, there is just no contact whatsoever.