Cultured Staph Aureus for first time


New member
my 3 month old has cultured staph in every culture so far. They didn't treat it until he had symptoms and had cultured for something else then they prescribed Bactrum. We went to the clinic today and the Dr, said they would only out him on more if he cultured for something again.


New member
my 3 month old has cultured staph in every culture so far. They didn't treat it until he had symptoms and had cultured for something else then they prescribed Bactrum. We went to the clinic today and the Dr, said they would only out him on more if he cultured for something again.


New member
my 3 month old has cultured staph in every culture so far. They didn't treat it until he had symptoms and had cultured for something else then they prescribed Bactrum. We went to the clinic today and the Dr, said they would only out him on more if he cultured for something again.


New member
my 3 month old has cultured staph in every culture so far. They didn't treat it until he had symptoms and had cultured for something else then they prescribed Bactrum. We went to the clinic today and the Dr, said they would only out him on more if he cultured for something again.


New member
my 3 month old has cultured staph in every culture so far. They didn't treat it until he had symptoms and had cultured for something else then they prescribed Bactrum. We went to the clinic today and the Dr, said they would only out him on more if he cultured for something again.


Grant first cultured staph when he was 2 months old, his doc does not treat this until there are symptoms.


Grant first cultured staph when he was 2 months old, his doc does not treat this until there are symptoms.


Grant first cultured staph when he was 2 months old, his doc does not treat this until there are symptoms.


Grant first cultured staph when he was 2 months old, his doc does not treat this until there are symptoms.


Grant first cultured staph when he was 2 months old, his doc does not treat this until there are symptoms.


New member
Emily has cultured staph as well. Unless she is having symptoms they don't treat it either; she's had Bactrim a couple times now when she's gotten sick.


New member
Emily has cultured staph as well. Unless she is having symptoms they don't treat it either; she's had Bactrim a couple times now when she's gotten sick.


New member
Emily has cultured staph as well. Unless she is having symptoms they don't treat it either; she's had Bactrim a couple times now when she's gotten sick.


New member
Emily has cultured staph as well. Unless she is having symptoms they don't treat it either; she's had Bactrim a couple times now when she's gotten sick.


New member
Emily has cultured staph as well. Unless she is having symptoms they don't treat it either; she's had Bactrim a couple times now when she's gotten sick.
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New member
Thank you for the advice and personal situations!

I am sure you all know how hard it is when they culture something for the first time. I guess in a weird way I was hoping Avery would be one of the 'abnormal' cf cases. That she would be the one that dodges the 'bug' bullet and will always be healthy.

We do everything we can to shield her from germs (cleaning, sanitizing, washing, sterilizing, etc), but we don't keep her in a bubble. So I was playing the blame game. Should I have cleaned her mouth out after she put those rocks in her mouth, should so and so not have touched her, should we not go to the playground, did I sanitize her toys...I could go on and on. I know I shouldn't, but it is only natural. I want to shield her from all that I can, but I am not superhuman.


New member
Thank you for the advice and personal situations!

I am sure you all know how hard it is when they culture something for the first time. I guess in a weird way I was hoping Avery would be one of the 'abnormal' cf cases. That she would be the one that dodges the 'bug' bullet and will always be healthy.

We do everything we can to shield her from germs (cleaning, sanitizing, washing, sterilizing, etc), but we don't keep her in a bubble. So I was playing the blame game. Should I have cleaned her mouth out after she put those rocks in her mouth, should so and so not have touched her, should we not go to the playground, did I sanitize her toys...I could go on and on. I know I shouldn't, but it is only natural. I want to shield her from all that I can, but I am not superhuman.


New member
Thank you for the advice and personal situations!

I am sure you all know how hard it is when they culture something for the first time. I guess in a weird way I was hoping Avery would be one of the 'abnormal' cf cases. That she would be the one that dodges the 'bug' bullet and will always be healthy.

We do everything we can to shield her from germs (cleaning, sanitizing, washing, sterilizing, etc), but we don't keep her in a bubble. So I was playing the blame game. Should I have cleaned her mouth out after she put those rocks in her mouth, should so and so not have touched her, should we not go to the playground, did I sanitize her toys...I could go on and on. I know I shouldn't, but it is only natural. I want to shield her from all that I can, but I am not superhuman.


New member
Thank you for the advice and personal situations!

I am sure you all know how hard it is when they culture something for the first time. I guess in a weird way I was hoping Avery would be one of the 'abnormal' cf cases. That she would be the one that dodges the 'bug' bullet and will always be healthy.

We do everything we can to shield her from germs (cleaning, sanitizing, washing, sterilizing, etc), but we don't keep her in a bubble. So I was playing the blame game. Should I have cleaned her mouth out after she put those rocks in her mouth, should so and so not have touched her, should we not go to the playground, did I sanitize her toys...I could go on and on. I know I shouldn't, but it is only natural. I want to shield her from all that I can, but I am not superhuman.


New member
Thank you for the advice and personal situations!
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<br />I am sure you all know how hard it is when they culture something for the first time. I guess in a weird way I was hoping Avery would be one of the 'abnormal' cf cases. That she would be the one that dodges the 'bug' bullet and will always be healthy.
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<br />We do everything we can to shield her from germs (cleaning, sanitizing, washing, sterilizing, etc), but we don't keep her in a bubble. So I was playing the blame game. Should I have cleaned her mouth out after she put those rocks in her mouth, should so and so not have touched her, should we not go to the playground, did I sanitize her toys...I could go on and on. I know I shouldn't, but it is only natural. I want to shield her from all that I can, but I am not superhuman.
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