Curcumin trials - where to buy curcumin ??


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I've been taking turmeric for just over a month now - I've not felt as well as I do now for about 6 years, when all my chest problems started. I'm 17 now, but for the age of 11 or 12 I've needed 2 or 3 week courses of IVs almost every month and felt like total c**p most of the time. But since taking the turmeric I've felt great and not needed IVs for a while.However, I really want to start taking pure curcumin as I feel it will help me much more, but I cant find it anywhere! I live in England and can only seem to find it on american websites - it would cost me more to have it shipped over to england than it would to buy one bottle!I would be grateful for any information about where I can purchase Curcumin in England. 500 mg tablets would be ideal but anything else would be fine as I'm getting desperate!Thanks.Laura


New member
Hi Laura,I did a quick search and found this website selling turmeric root extract (95% curcumin), not the 500 mg tablets you were looking for, but it looks like you get free shipping in the body-soul/turmeric-root-extract.asp Hope you continue to feel better.Richard 30 w/cf, Canada


New member
hi laura,i get the tablets yr on about from my local health food shop,there very help full,if u hav one near u give them a try,theyshould be able to order u some,mine are made by lamberts,there is an adress on the pot,lamberts healthcare ltd,1 lambeth road tunbridge wells,kent tn2 3eh- tel uk 01892 554312 mm,38 w/cf


New member
Thanks for your replyI've tried three of my local health food shops - none of them sell it, in fact one man told me it doesn't exist!!Do you know the dosage/number of capsules in the Lambert's one?Laura


New member
it says on the label,,,high potency turmeric 10,000mg (as 500mg extract) providing 95%curcumins 60 tablets,,,,,,,,,ie 60 500 mg tablets of 95% curcumins xtracted from turmeric,,,,it says take 1 a day,,,i take 2 twice a day,for its very good anti inflamatory quilaitys,u can start 2 really tell if u take 8 or more aday,i find that this would become 2 xspensive,,,so there u go,,,


New member
Hi madmax,I calculated that I should take 2g of curcumin a day so 2 twice a day should be ok.Do you know which CF mutations you have? As curcumin only helps Class 2 mutations (eg deltaF508).I found a website where I can buy the Lambert's brand so I've emailed them just to check what they're giving me then I'll order it.Thanks a lot.Laura


New member
hi laura ,not sure what my mutation is but a high dose i can feel helps my lungs untighten,i think this is because of the antinflamatory properties of curcurmin,i seem to use less of my ventalin inhaler


New member
Hello Laura,I read an article on curcumin in CF Today and thought I'd check it out. I found a website which sells different brands, it's called The Nutricentre and it's at , just do a search for curcumin. They offer free delivery over £25.00, £1.75 for orders under that. Don't know if that's important, but postage charges can make a big difference to the price can't they.I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, I am definitely going to try this. I have 2 Delta F508 genes by the way.Hazel