I originally posted this link int he Adults section but then noticed this section and thought it might be best suited here. Very interesting video I cam accross while searching stuff. draw from it what you will, some might totally not belive it and think it's crazy but who knows. I guess when you're deperate enough you'll try anything and it seems they've got quite a bit of evidence of it working - all be it suppressed or even dismissed to the public.
Anyway here it is <a href="http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=2095786730805958061&q=bob+beck&total=241&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0">link</a>
Anyway here it is <a href="http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=2095786730805958061&q=bob+beck&total=241&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0">link</a>